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VLAN wants the session, PDK against (kohaonline)

Coalition block and Vetevendosje are determined to continue with the constitutive session of the Assembly tomorrow, no matter if the Democratic Party participates or not. They will even hold a debate and draw conclusions through which they would offer a solution and inform all respective bodies, such as the Presidency and other bodies which recognize parliamentary majority.

However, Flora Brovina, the chairperson of the constitutive session on the other hand confirmed that she would not call the session for Thursday, despite the invitation of the coalition block to do so.

Non-participation of PDK was also confirmed by the leader of this party, Hashim Thaci, who called the session illegal.

Thaci said yesterday after the meeting with the President that they would respond to any call which is in accordance with the Constitution, regulation of the Assembly of Kosovo, while the other initiatives are unofficial, illegal and they do not have any validity.

However, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, deputy of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said for KosovaPress that they have a plan for overcoming the political stalemate which will be revealed at Thursday’s session. “Of course we have a plan which will be offered at the Assembly as a solution. We will not speak for the media in advance because these are mainly Assembly issues. We will hold the session and we will offer the solution through the conclusions, and we expect the other independent bodies, in this case the Presidency and other bodies, to confirm the good will of the parliamentary majority in order to offer a solution, avoid deepening of problems, mainly caused by the resistance of the PDK,” said Kadaj-Bujupi.

Analyst, Artan Muhaxheri considers that holding this session without a prior agreement between the two blocks is completely unnecessary and a repetition of the two previous sessions.

However, leaders of AAK, Vetëvendosje and NISMA are convinced that the session will be held in accordance with the request signed by the 62 deputies.