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Djuric: Oliver is innocent (Blic)

Verdict to Oliver Ivanovic is deeply unfair. Because of it the fact  is even more apparent that even today no one has been held responsible for thousands of deaths and displaced Serbs from Kosovo.

Thus, in an interview for Blic, Marko Djuric, Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, answers the question of where is the justice when Hashim Thaci is walking free, while Ivanovic gets nine years in prison for war crimes.

- I am convinced that Oliver did not have the right to a fair trial, nor the ability to do everything legally possible to prove his innocence. The judgment is not based on facts and events of 1999 and I am sure this will not contribute to greater confidence in institutions and the rule of law in Kosovo.

What do you expect from the Court for the crimes of the KLA, to be based in The Hague?

- Each step that gives hope that at least part of those responsible for the crimes against Serbs will be processed, needs to be supported. However, the Serbs have a negative experience with the international justice. So, I can say that we will help this court as we can, and the court has yet to do its work and so gain our trust.

Thaci is preparing to be President of Kosovo instead of going to The Hague. Who is more acceptable for you on this position - Thaci or Jahjaga?

- I would like a Serb in the forefront of our southern province. After all, it would reflect the democratic character of the local political institutions. If an Albanian leads the government in Pristina and the Parliament, a representative of one of the three highest institutions should be a Serb.

Do you have a logical explanation for the collective membership? 2, 000 people per day join the SNS in Kosovo?

- The SNS was not founded by privileged political elite but it has been founded by citizens, therefore it is the people’s party. It is very important for us that from Kosovo comes the support for our policy, as the point which is most vulnerable when it comes to existence and interest of the state. The fact that those, whose lives depend of the state policy, have confidence in the government and such policy, says a lot.

Pristina announces that Mustafa will not go to Brussels to resume dialogue, while Belgrade announces policy change?

- Serbia is committed and ready for dialogue. Who will represent Pristina and whether somebody will come is their internal decision. It is not just about to attend the meeting, but also to come ready to reach agreements and to be more ready to implement those agreements. The Government will therefore consider its policy, and will adapt it according to the behaviour of others in this dialogue.

Concerning the circumstances, whether the Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) will ever be formed?

- It is imperative for normalization of relations between Serbs and Albanians. The way for the Kosovo Albanians to create a better economic and political environment for them alone leads through the creation of the ZSO. The ZSO will be and now the number one topic in Brussels.

On the agenda are telecommunications, university diplomas and freedom of movement. Whether there is something disputable?

- We have disputes about the number of base stations for Telekom. The agreement on diplomas, at the time of Borko (Borislav), from 2011, is disastrous and can't be fixed. The same applies to the one on freedom of movement.

Why do you say disastrous?

- The agreement provides that we recognize diplomas from all 98 universities, not faculties,  how many Kosovo have. Pristina has recognized university degrees from Central Serbia, but not the most important one, the university in Kosovska Mitrovica. They do not recognise and three colleges, high or primary schools in the north, but that did not matter to those who then were negotiating on our side. By the agreement only Albanians gain. They ratify diploma and can work in Presevo and Bujanovac and we have 370 such demands. On our side there are only 20 such demands, it is logical, because nobody with a degree of the University of Belgrade wants to go to work in the Kosovo institutions.