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Morning calm, Serbs to meet Vucic, leave Kosovo government (B92, TV Prva)

Last night and the morning in Mitrovica North went calm so far. President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic urged to ease tensions, while the talks between Vucic and Serb representatives from Kosovo and Metohija are expected to take place today, B92 reports.

According to TV Prva report they departed to Belgrade early this morning, where they would inform the President of Serbia and the state leadership on their decision to leave the Kosovo Government. According to the Serbian media, the meeting is scheduled to take place at 11.00.

Arrested Serbian official paraded through Pristina/video (B92)

Kosovo media on Monday published footage showing the Kosovo police take Marko Djuric to a police station in Pristina.

Earlier in the day, Djuric, the director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, was arrested in northern Kosovska Mitrovica.

Members of special Kosovo police parked their armored cars near the police station, and then led Djuric, whose hands were held behind his back, out and into the station, while the cameras were rolling.

Tear gas fired as Kosovo police arrest Serbian official (Associated Press, The Independent)

Tensions have risen between the two neighbours, who fought a bloody war in the late 1990s.

Kosovo police have fired tear gas and stun grenades at protesters as they arrested a Serb official after he was banned from visiting a divided town in northern Kosovo, according to reports.

It is a move likely to inflame tensions between the two foes, who fought a brutal war in 1999.

Serbia’s government quickly announced that the country’s state security council would hold an emergency meeting.

Kosovo arrests Marko Djuric for illegal entry (Prishtina Insight)

Kosovo Police arrested the head of Serbia's 'Office for Kosovo and Metohija' in North Mitrovica.

Kosovo Police confirmed to BIRN on Monday that Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government’s Kosovo office, had been arrested on Monday for illegal entry and transferred to Pristina by the Specialized Operational Unit of Kosovo Police.

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Kosovo detains Serbian politician after 'illegal entry' into region (The Guardian)

Marko Đurić was seized by special police officers who fired stun grenades to disperse crowd.

Air raid sirens have rung out in Serb-dominated northern Kosovo after special police fired stun grenades in a raid to detain a senior Serbian official, raising fresh tensions in the region.

In Brussels negotiations on normalization, on the ground a deterioration (N1)

After the cancellation of a handball tournament that was for months pre-arranged, subsequently it was assessed that it could be interpreted as recognition of Kosovo's independence, followed also by a strain on the organization of the internal dialogue in Mitrovica North, reports today broadcaster N1.

Pristina deploys police to deny Belgrade officials entry (B92, N1, Kossev)

The deputy commander of Kosovo police in the north has denied that a special unit, "Rosu," had been deployed to this area, KoSSev website is reporting Monday.

According to Besim Hoti, an intervention police unit from the same region was sent to carry out "the operative plan" to ban the planned arrival of several Serbian officials to the territory of the self-proclaimed state.

Djuric: Pristina was not ready to talk about ZSO (Danas)

Head of the Serbian negotiation team, Marko Djuric told Danas daily Serbian delegation resolutely requests from Pristina and European Union to establish the Association of Serb Municipalities, but that “some weird people” from Pristina delegation arrived to Brussels unready to talk about that.

They came here unready to implement the Association of Serb Municipalities, and expected that we give them everything. It does not work like that, Djuric told journalists in Brussels.

Đurić: Not even outlines of legally binding agreement are known (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica, Der Standard)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Đurić pointed out that in relations between Belgrade and Pristina, a permanent and sustainable solution is needed for the stability of this part of Europe.

In an interview for Vienna based “Der Standard” Marko Đurić also said that if a referendum takes place, it will not be regarding a question on Kosovo’s independence. He recalled that an internal dialogue on Kosovo has already been launched in Serbia, involving hundreds of experts from all fields.