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The Serbian list leaves the Kosovo government (Serbian media)

President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic says the Serbian list leaves the Kosovo government, all Serbian media reports from the press conference scheduled at 12.30 pm in Belgrade following yesterday's events in connection with Djuric's arrest by ROSU units in Mitrovica North.

Goran Rakic, after meeting with President Vucic, said that the assembly of all ten municipalities with the majority Serbian population will be held tomorrow.

32 citizens injured during Djuric’s arrest (Serbian media)

32 citizens present in and outside of “Mitrovica Dvor” building at the moment of arrest of Marko Djuric were injured, Mitrovica Hospital Centre Director, Milan Ivanovic told Serbian media.

“13 citizens were admitted and examined at surgery ward, 17 at ophthalmological ward and 2 at orthopaedic ward,” Ivanovic said, adding that injured persons were released for home treatment as per their decisions.

Jovanovic, Jankovic on Djuric’s arrest in Kosovo (Danas)

Leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Milos Jovanovic thinks that ROSU action in Mitrovica North and utterly humiliating arrest of Serbian Government high official Marko Djuric “is the best warming what Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija awaits in the case of recognition of Kosovo secession,” Danas daily reported.

Jovanovic added that every day, including this latest provocation of Pristina authorities “show a complete failure of the policy on Kosovo by Serbian President and the Government”.

“Hardest day for Serbs in Mitrovica since murder of Oliver Ivanovic” (KIM Radio, TV N1)

Morning after yesterday’s incidents in Mitrovica North goes peacefully, however, citizens are shocked and concerned over what had happened, Serbian media reported.

“I think that all relevant factors need to get involved and calm down tensions so something like this never happens again,” Mitrovica North Municipal Administration Director, Adrijana Hodzic told RTV KIM.

Hodzic also thinks the special police units ROSU used excessive force and there was no need for that.

UNMIK: Tanin calls for leaders' responsibility and calm (Serbian media)

UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin assessed last night that yesterday's developments in Kosovo were unacceptable and has urged the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina to avoid provocations and take the steps necessary to preserve the peace and security of citizens, reported Serbian media.

He said in a UNMIK statement that it was necessary that all interested avoid any rhetoric or measures that could escalate the situation further.

Dodik: Unacceptable act of violence from Kosovo (Danas, FoNet)

President of Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik told FoNet news agency that the arrest of Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric is an unacceptable act of violence of the authorities of the self-declared Kosovo.

He added this act of violence most certainly would not contribute to the advancement of international relations in the southern Serbian province.

Dacic to meet ambassadors, representatives of EU, UN, NATO (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, on behalf of the Serbian Government, would meet today ambassadors accredited in Serbia concerning yesterday’s incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

He would also meet the representatives of the international organizations in Serbia, including the EU, UN, OSCE, NATO and the Office of the EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy.

As the Foreign Ministry announced the meeting would start at midday.


That gang of terrorists - Vucic reacts to events in Pristina (B92)

Terrorists dressed in special police uniforms of a non-existent state of Kosovo wanted to show they can occupy northern Kosovo, says Aleksandar Vucic.

They were doing this with the help of the EU rule of law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, he continued - "for every one ROSU (special Kosovo police) vehicle, there were two EULEX vehicles."