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President Thaci and Bulgarian FM Zaharieva agree on increasing cooperation (Kosovapress)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, met in Pristina today Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Ekaterina Zaharieva, and expressed appreciation for Bulgaria’s continuous support to Kosovo in the state-building process and membership in international organizations. “Bulgaria is Kosovo’s strategic partner,” Thaci said. He said that although Kosovo and Bulgaria enjoy good bilateral relations, “we now need a greater economic cooperation.”

Finland to continue support for Kosovo (Telegrafi)

The Finnish Foreign Minister, Timo Soini, said in Pristina today after meeting President Hashim Thaci that his country would continue support for Kosovo. Thaci on his part thanked FM Soini for the continuous support Finland has provided to Kosovo. “We should look into ways of deepening our cooperation also in economy, security, and education,” Thaci said.

Thaci asks Meta to give Albanian citizenship to people of Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

In a meeting in Pristina today, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci asked his Albanian counterpart Ilir Meta to enable the people of Kosovo getting Albanian citizenship to be able to move freely. “After the demarcation was imposed as necessary criteria for visa liberalisation, I see no perspective of the Assembly passing this issue. The EU approach also forces me ask the President of Albania to allow citizens from Kosovo apply for dual citizenship as the only hope for free movement,” Thaci said.

Thaci addresses UK ambassador’s walk out during his speech (Koha)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, in a joint press conference with President of Albania, Ilir Meta, spoke about the decision of the British Ambassador, Ruairi O’Connell, to walk out midway through Thaci’s speech  on specialist chambers. “I didn’t even notice he was inside or when he stepped out. If he walked out for his personal business, it is his decision, but if he went out as a result of disagreeing with the debate, it is a frustrating, childish and completely undiplomatic behaviour,” Thaci said.


Thaci in support of LGBTI community (media)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, joined today the Pride Parade which was being organized for the first time in Kosovo.

“I am here to express institutional support for LGBTI community and to confirm that all communities are equal in Kosovo , that the country and society of Kosovo are built based on principals of equality and freedom for all communities,” Thaci said.

He added that he would not allow anyone to exercise threat against any individual or group.

We value engagement of everyone on defense and promotion of human rights and freedoms,” Thaci said.

Kosovo president accuses int'l community of not keeping word (AP)

Kosovo's president on Monday accused the international community of not keeping its end of the bargain after the country created an unpopular war crimes court to prosecute ethnic Albanians in cases linked to Kosovo's war.

Hashim Thaci said among the things that international officials promised in return were to fast-track Kosovo for European Union and UNESCO membership and visa liberalization, and allow Kosovo to form a military.

British Ambassador left the room when Thaci criticized international community (Gazeta Metro)

The Ambassador of the Great Britain to Kosovo, Ruairi O’Connell, left the room where a debate on the Special Court was taking place, when Kosovo’s President, Hashim Thaci, criticized harshly the international community. He said the international community betrayed Kosovo, because they had promised liberalization of visas, membership at UNESCO and European Council in exchange for the Special Court.

Thaci: Special Court is mono-ethnic (media)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, spoke today at the panel, organized by Integra, CPT and PAX NGOs on “Public perception of Kosovo’s Special Court: dangers and possibilities.” He said that Kosovo demonstrated more loyalty but it was punished the most.

“The Special Court is hybrid. Files were submitted by Belgrade. The Special Court will be considering raised allegations,’ he said.

Pope Francis hosted a private audience with President Thaci (Koha)

Pope Francis, hosted today at the Holy See in Vatican, a private audience with the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci.

“Thaci stressed that Kosovo has continued to preserve patience, faith and values that we have as society – love and solidarity in family and society, respect for everyone’s dignity, tolerance and cooperation,” informs a press release issued by the Office of the President of Kosovo.