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KSF promotes members of non-majority communities (RTK/Koha)

Three members of the Serb community have been promoted in rank with the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). On the occasion, President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said KSF has professionally and successfully carried out all tasks and has become the most trusted security institution in Kosovo. He said KSF is ready to take on new responsibilities and contribute to world peace.

Kurti: Serb judges singed the oath which does not mention Kosovo (RTK)

Referring to an unofficial document on nomination of Serb judges in the north of Kosovo,  Vetevendosje Movement MP Albin Kurti, said these judges were nominated by signing a statement which does not mention Kosovo state and its Constitution anywhere in its text.

He also said the declaration does not mention loyalty of Serb judges towards Kosovo.

Thaci: Kosovo army in the interest of all communities (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into armed forces is in the interest of all communities in Kosovo, including the Serb. In his remarks at the debate on Serb community’s perceptions on KSF transformation organised by the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies and the Security Policy Research Centre, Thaci said Kosovo armed forces would not present a threat to anyone just as KSF presents no threat today.

All Serbia has to do is mention Russia to EU, says Thaci (Serbian media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has said that EU officials should not "abuse" the pro-European orientation of citizens of Kosovo.

Beta reported him as saying that this pro-European orientation has been abused by individuals in the EU in order to humiliate Kosovo or delay its European perspective.

"Kosovo needs to move quickly towards a concrete European perspective, not a process that can last five, ten or 20 years," Thaci has told the Klan Kosova broadcaster.

Hashim Thaçi’s hate-love affair with the Specialist Court (EuropeanWesternBalkans)

Discussing the role of the Kosovo Specialist court at the public presentation of the report “Public Perception of the Kosovo Specialist Court: Risks and Opportunities”, organized by NGOs PAX, Integra, and Center for Peace and Tolerance, President Thaçi criticized the one-sidedness of the “mono-ethnic” court and slammed the international community for falling short of fulfilling their part of the “bargain”.

Kosovo, regional leader in combating terrorism (RTK)

The President of the Republic of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi, received today in a meeting the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, responsible for European and Eurasian Affairs, Mr. Hoyt Brian Yee.

President Thaçi and Deputy Assistant Secretary Yee discussed about the bilateral relations, the role of the USA in the region, Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic perspective, the dialogue with Serbia and other issues of common interest.

On this occasion, President Thaçi has said that the continuation of the US support for Kosovo and the region remains the key to stable peace and stability.

Thaci decrees Serb judges and prosecutors (RTK)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, pursuant to the constitutional and legal powers, in accordance with the proposal of the Prosecutorial Council, has appointed today, by decree, 40 judges and 13 new state prosecutors from the non-majority community.

President Thaçi, after the oath ceremony, congratulated all the new prosecutors and judges, providing them support in their daily work.

EU observers to monitor elections in all polling stations (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, met today the chief of the European Union Election Observation Mission, Alojz Peterle, and discussed preparations for Sunday’s local elections.  Thaci commended the EU’s readiness to monitor the elections which he said he believed would take place in a democratic manner.