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Dacic: Thaci’s visit to Presevo valley is not announced (Tanjug, RTS, TV N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic told Tanjug news agency today that visit of Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci to the municipalities in southern Serbia is not announced.

Pristina-based media earlier reported about unofficial information from the Kosovo President Thaci’s Cabinet that Hashim Thaci together with EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn would visit on Wednesday the three municipalities populated by Albanians in Southern Serbia.

Vucic decides not to meet with representatives of Pristina (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has decided not to talk to representatives of Pristina in Brussels today, Tanjug is reporting.

Reporters learned this is Brussels from the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, who spoke after Vucic's meeting with EU's Federica Mogherini, who acts as the mediator in the Belgrade-Pristina talks.

Dacic: Vucic in Brussels with Mogherini only (RTS, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will talk in Brussels with European representatives only, but not with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, RTS reported.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic neither confirmed nor denied this information, saying it is certain Vucic would talk to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, and would decide there about other meetings.

Blic: Can opposition MPs thwart the Thaci's plan for dialogue with Belgrade?

Belgrade based daily Blic reports on the current attempt of opposition MPs in the Kosovo Assembly to ''ban'' Thaci with the resolution, with support of a part of the ruling coalition, to negotiate with Belgrade on the "correction of the borders".

Kosovo’s Rival Leaders Both “Machiavellian,” ex-Adviser Says (Balkan Insight)

President Hashim Thaci and Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj may strongly disagree on ‘border correction’ – but both leaders are using the issue for their own benefits, a former adviser to Thaci says.

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and the Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, are trying to benefit politically from their dispute over potential “border corrections” as part of a deal with Serbia, Behlul Beqaj, a former adviser to Thaci told BIRN.

Dacic: Pristina has lost support of great powers (Tanjug, Blic)

The fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and USA President Donald Trump spoke about Kosovo and gave support to the talks that lead to the resolution of this issue is a great step ahead, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Belgrade-based daily Blic.

Dacic added, this is a proof that the things have changed and go in favour of Serbia.

“This is a major breakthrough, and prof things have changed. However, a great struggle awaits us, and among those that should be further influenced, Germany is the most important,” Dacic said.

Vucic: To reach a deal with Albanians for benefit of all (BETA)

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue should continue since an eventual solution will have a positive effect on the whole region, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said during a joint press conference with the presidents of Kosovo, Slovenia, Austria, and EU official in Austria on Sunday, BETA news agency reported.

Vucic added he said during the meeting with his Kosovo counterpart Hashim Thaci, mediated by the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz and the EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn that “It (finding solution) will not go easily.”

Ljajic: Next Vucic-Thaci meeting crucial (BETA, Prva TV)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic told Prva TV the next Vucic-Thaci meeting in Brussels is crucial to resolving the Kosovo issue.

According to Ljajic, after this meeting it would be known if the issue is resolved or it would be yet another failed attempt. He also opined that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is in a more difficult position than Vucic, since in Kosovo everybody is against the resolution of the Kosovo issue.