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Çollaku: Demarcation cannot return to point zero (GazetaBlic)

Kosovo’s Minister of European Integration, Bekim Çollaku, said on Tuesday that the border-demarcation process with Montenegro cannot return to point zero. He said the ratification of this agreement remains a criteria for visa liberalisation and that Kosovo must not waste time in this regard. Çollaku also called for political consensus among all parties, because any delay, he said, will have consequences.

Grabovci: Government should not delay demarcation issue (Gazeta Blic)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group chief, Adem Grabovci, told the news site his party has not yet decided whether it will vote in favor of the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro. However, Grabovci called on the government to send the agreement to the Kosovo Assembly as soon as possible. “The government should not delay the demarcation issue and the MPs should be well informed on this issue before being put to a vote,” he said.

AAK and NISMA to boycott Assembly’s voting on EULEX mandate (Gazeta Blic)

Officials from two opposition parties – the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – announced plans to continue boycotting Kosovo Assembly’s session, including the one set to vote on extending the mandate for the EU rule of law mission, EULEX. AAK’s Muharrem Nitaj said the party’s MPs would not take part in the session and the same was confirmed by Bilall Sherifi from NISMA.  The largest opposition party, Vetëvendosje, is however expected to take part in the session but will vote against extension of EULEX mandate.

Hyseni: Serbia and Bosnia are deterring our fight against terrorism (Gazeta Blic/RFE)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, told Radio Free Europe on Tuesday that international cooperation and exchange of information between security institutions of different countries, are the essential elements for combating terrorism and violent extremism. According to him, the non-recognition of Kosovo by Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the lack of diplomatic relations with these two countries, is the main obstacle to exchange of information and combating terrorism in the regional context.

Cinderella's fairy tale is over, now the truth (Gazeta Blic)

Ben Andoni writes that the decision of the European Commission to recommend liberalization of visas for Kosovo, was celebrated more by the politicians than the ordinary citizens. Just like in Albania, majority of them remain skeptical that liberalization of visas would change things much, even though, non-liberalization of visas in Kosovo was felt a bit differently, as a denied right that they used to have under another citizenship.

Vetevendosje: Holding Serbian elections in Kosovo, Mustafa’s failure (Gazeta Blic)

Vetevendosje movement assessed that eventual holding of Serbia’s elections of 24 April in Kosovo, are yet another failure of the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa.

Glauk Konjufca from Vetevendosje, said at a press conference that holding these elections in Kosovo is in contradiction with the Constitution of Kosovo.

Report on demarcation to be announced today ( Kosova/Gazeta Express)

The three international experts,  Fletcher Burton, Herbert Wilmes and Fred Newton will make public today their report on the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro. The Office of the President of Kosovo, informed that the findings of the three-member team will be made public today at 17:30 hours at a press conference. The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, will also participate at the press conference.

Veseli’s offer: Kosovo might go for early elections (Gazeta Blic)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, who is also acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, will meet this week with the Prime Minister of Kosovo to discuss a new platform for overcoming the crisis. This platform could include an agreement on early elections, reports Top Channel.

According to sources of this media, within the cabinet of the Assembly President, the offer could result with a comprehensive agreement for early elections, but not in a short period of time.