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Kosovo Serbs continue their protest today, students to perform a basketball play with hands tied (RTS)

Serbs from Kosovo continue to protest peacefully today due to Pristina’s 100 percent tax increase, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Students of the University of Pristina (with a temporary seat in in Mitrovica north) wo hold a new performance at noon.

Student Vice-Rector Nemanja Bisevac told RTS that they plan to have the performance today.

Swedish judge: In Kosovo, there's no justice for Serbs (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

The first international judge in Kosovo says that soon after arriving there he realized there would be no justice for Serbs in the Kosovo judiciary.

Cristar Karphamar was appointed as the first UN judge by the UNMIK administration led by Bernard Kouchner, and he assumed his duties in 2000.

Serbian NGOs sent open letter to international community (TV Most)

Seventeen Serbian Non-Governmental Organizations in an open letter to the international community expressed serious concern about the violation of the human rights of Serbian minority in Kosovo, TV Most reports.

The recent decision of Kosovo Government to impose 100% taxes on imported goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina has a huge negative impact on the Serb community in Kosovo, the NGOs warned.

Insufficient reserves of oxygen, reserves of medicaments in the south on verge (B92, Radio KIM, RTS)

Reserves of oxygen for patients in the north of Kosovo are small and insufficient, Director of the Health Centre in Mitrovica North, Milan Ivanovic said, Radio KIM Reports.

“There are reserves now, however, they are insufficient and won’t last long. I hope that we would stabilize supply of oxygen in the coming days,” Milan Ivanovic said, following the meeting with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade yesterday.

Meanwhile, workers of the health sector in the north but also in other Serb areas in Kosovo would protest today at noon.

Kosovo police confiscates Serbian licence plates, station commander refuted news (RTK2, Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo police members confiscated Serbian licence plates in the villages of Ranilug and Veliko Ropotovo, populated by the Serb community, RTK2 reports today.

According to unofficial information, police in plain clothes stopped the vehicles with Serbian licence plates, gave traffic tickets to the drivers and sent them to the magistrate.

One of the witnesses confirmed to RTK2, that the police was confiscating the licence plates under the excuse, “no RKS plates are allowed in Serbia, then Serbian plates cannot be allowed in Kosovo either.”

Kosovo police arrested Serb at Jarinje crossing point (RTS, Tanjug, Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian public broadcaster RTS reported late on Sunday that Kosovo police arrested a Serb at crossing point Jarinje for failing to pay a vehicle tax.

Milisav Dasic, who lives with his family in Osojane village, Istok municipality, was taken out of a bus at the Jarinje crossing point.

“They took him from the bus and told the driver to go on after they gave back other passengers’ IDs,” the sources told RTS.

Biserko: Is it worth to sacrifice Serbs from Kosovo because of the agreement on the division of territory? (NMagazin, Danas)

Chairperson of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Sonja Biserko assessed for Belgrade-based daily Danas that the division of Kosovo and the exchange of territory became legitimate option for a part of the international community and warned that such a solution would sacrifice the fate of the Serbs there.

Biserko told Danas that the Serbian Orthodox Church is aware of the dangers of dividing the territory.

Serbs visits graves in Kosovo, find them damaged (N1, KIM radio, Kossev)

Serbs who have left their homes in Pristina, Kosovo, and are now living in Belgrade and Nis have on Saturday visited the partially cleaned up Pristina Orthodox cemetery but again found some of the gravestones damaged.

The Serbs traveled to Kosovo with two buses and were joined by Serbs internally displaced in villages around Pristina. The groups visited the graveyard marking the Orthodox holiday of St. Demetrios, or Mitrovdan.

Sheholli: The idea on borders' correction still actual; 95 percent would sell property in Gracanica (Kontakt plus radio, Slobodno Srpski)

The Director of the Institute for the promotion of inter-ethnic relations Fatmir Sheholli says that the initiative of correcting the borders as a solution to the conflict between Belgrade and Pristina and the normalization of relations is still ongoing, despite the opposition of some Kosovo parties and politicians.

Petronic: Kosovo Serbs are an easy target due to inefficiency of the police (RTK2)

Security researcher Veroljub Petronic told RTK2 in the Show ''razgovor'' that Kosovo Serbs are an easy target for thieves due to inefficiency of the police and the judiciary.

Petronic explains that there is no mechanism for punishing perpetrators, which gives freedom for other criminals to continue or, in the worst case, expand their criminal activities.