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Assaults on property affect the survival and return of Serbs (RTK2)

Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic told RTK2 that the Serbian List condemns all attacks on the property of Serbs in Kosovo and seeks greater involvement of KFOR, while expressing disappointment with the police's response to theft and the finding of perpetrators.

Simic said in the RTK2 Show ''Poglavlje'' that these attacks directly affect the survival and return of displaced Serbs and that they must therefore be treated as a priority.

Djuric with Schieb on the political and security situation in Kosovo (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for KiM Marko Djuric, at the meeting with the German Ambassador in Serbia, Thomas Schieb, said that Serbia is determined to protect interests and improve the living conditions of the Serbian people in Kosovo, and that it is concerned about the renewed wave of pressure and attacks on Kosovo Serbs and their property in the past period.

Serbian government in October with representatives of Kosovo Serbs (RTK2, TV Prva, Tanjug)

The Serbian government will hold a thematic session with representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo in October, where an investment plan for all ten municipalities with a Serb majority will be adopted, announced today the director of the Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric.

Djuric told TV Prva that the construction of new kindergartens and roads was already initiated, and that this is actually a struggle for survival of the people in Kosovo.

Kossev portal on last week's robberies in Serb-majority areas

The past week has been marked with a string of robberies targeting residents of Serb-majority villages all over Kosovo. In majority of cases, livestock were stolen, but break-ins and car theft have also been reported. Residents of five Serb-majority areas have been targeted in eight cases of robbery over the past week: Plemetina, Novo Brdo, Kamenica, Partes and Babin Most.

Simic: The solution must include the legitimate interests of Serbia and the Serbs (Danas, RTK2)

''What the international factor considers as a solution to the Kosovo issue, in the eyes of Serbia and the Serbs means a recognition of Kosovo, and those are not our legitimate interests,'' says Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic, adding that this should change, reports RTK2.

Representatives of the international community are increasingly louder in stating that Serbs and Albanians should agree on Kosovo. For Simic this is a positive thing that should include the Serbian national interests.

Simic: The story on army serves to divert attention from the dialogue (Blic, TV Pink)

Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic says that the goal of the draft bill on the establishment of Kosovo Army is to create tensions after the visit of the Serbian president to Kosovo, but also to divert public attention from the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

- Without the consent of deputies to the Serbian List and amending the Constitution, it is impossible to transform the security forces of Kosovo - emphasized Simic for TV Pink.

The rational-minded Mayor of Gracanica: There are no Serbs in Pristina, Pec and Djakovica, journalists and civic activists deny (Kossev)

"Nope. Unfortunately, there are no Serbs in Pristina. Around 40,000 Serbs lived in Pristina, the same in Pec and Djakovica. However, Serbs no longer live there. And we have to think rationally at the present time, we have to help our people where they continue to live and, as the President himself had said, we will invest more in every Serbian municipality, in every family, in every Serb.

"South Tyrol" for Serbs, but in an independent state of Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Vecernje Novosti today write that the authorities in Pristina largely present to the western embassies their solution for the status of an independent Kosovo in which the position of the Serbs would be arranged by the model of South Tyrol in Italy.

This action coincided with the agreement of Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj that there is no negotiation of demarcation and threatens to place Belgrade before a fait accompli, Novosti learns.