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Drecun: Belgrade can’t prevent creation of Kosovo’s army (N1)

The Head of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said that Serbia cannot block the transformation of Kosovo’s Security Forces (KSF) into an army but can ask Washington and NATO to guarantee the force would not cross into the north, N1 reported last night.

Drecun added that the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalisation of relations would continue and that Pristina made some moves to secure a better position in the final stage of negotiations in Brussels.

Serbian reactions on passing laws on KSF transformation, Srpska Lista MPs insulted (RTS, Tanjug, BETA, Vecernje Novosti)

The so-called Kosovo army is an army being created to threaten Serbia and the Serbs, Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin said, in reaction to Kosovo Assembly passing the draft laws on Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) transformation, RTS reports today.

Vulin underlined he would talk today with the representatives of KFOR in Kosovo and that the conversation would regard Pristina's adoption of the laws on the Kosovo army.

Simic against draft law on the formation of the Kosovo army (RTS)

A member of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency and a member of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic, voted in today's session against the agenda and proposal to forward to the parliament the three draft laws on the transformation of KSF into the army for consideration, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Serbian List MP: All indicates to the transformation into the Army of Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica Sever)

Three draft Laws on the Kosovo Security Force were adopted, on the proposal of the Commission for Internal Affairs of the Assembly of Kosovo and forwarded to the Assembly for adoption.

Zoran Mojsilovic, MP of the Serbian List, states for the Radio Mitrovica Sever that the Serbian List is against.

NATO, US reacts to "KSF transformation" draft law (B92, Beta, Radio Free Europe)

NATO has assessed that the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) is a question for the Kosovo authorities.

A NATO official told Radio Free Europe on Thursday that "any change in the structure, mandate, and mission of the KSF will require constitutional amendments" and that it "supports the development of the force “under its current mandate."

The KSF s also described as "a professional, multi-ethnic force, and a source of regional stability," Beta reported.

Blic: Knocked out the main feature for intimidation of the Kosovo authorities

Belgrade based daily Blic today writes that although for some years now the Kosovo Army has been announced as a finished issue, apparently, ''a whole decade'' awaits the Army.

Blic recall all the attempts of Pristina authorities, and the attempt to change laws, due to the impossibility to change the Constitution and thus through ''small door'' transform KSF into an army.

Haradinaj admits KSF transformation through constitution, nearly impossible (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, admitted that for the time being, transformation of the Kosovo Security Force to Kosovo Armed Forces is almost impossible due to Serbian List’s refusal. “The constitutional basis as an option is nearly impossible at the moment as it requires two-thirds of qualified votes,” Haradinaj said today.  “At a certain moment we will be forced to set up the Kosovo army through a law,” he added.

KFOR Commander: KFOR to remain in Kosovo as long as needed (RTS, Jedinstvo)

KFOR Commander General Salvatore Cuocci says that this peacekeeping mission will remain in Kosovo as long as needed, and that NATO currently does not plan to reduce the presence of international peacekeeping forces in Kosovo. Speaking about the action of Marko Djuric's arrest and attacks on journalists in North Mitrovica, Cuocci says that KFOR does not interfere with political or legal issues, national broadcaster RTS reports quoting daily Jedinstvo based in North Mitrovica.

Haradinaj: Kosovo, home for all (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said at the 8th “KSF and partners” conference that Kosovo is a home for all its citizens and that transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a Kosovo army will not change this. “The transition of the Kosovo Security Force will only strengthen this feeling,” Haradinaj said. He also noted that KSF’s transformation would not affect KFOR’s role in Kosovo.