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Analysts argue early elections are a dangerous option (RTK)

Some political analysts in Pristina are arguing that early parliamentary elections, requested by the opposition parties, are a dangerous option given the current political circumstances. Officials at the Central Election Committee (CEC) told the news site they are ready to organize elections at any time but that there is no indication that they could be held soon. CEC chairperson Valdete Daka said no one has contacted her about the possibility of early elections. “No one has requested this, no one has contacted us and we are not making any preparations.

Constitutional Court doesn’t free its premises to Ombudsperson institution (Zeri)

The Constitutional Court has not yet freed its premises to the institution of the Ombudsperson as per the decision of the Ministry of Local Government Administration issued back in 2012. The reasons for the two-year delay have not been revealed by the Constitutional Court’s officials who were unavailable for comment but the paper notes that the accommodation of the Ombudsperson institution is one of the criteria included in the visa liberalization roadmap.

EU: The position of the Constitutional Court on the establishment of the ZSO must be respected (RTS)

The European Union has "taken note of the position of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo to be formed Association / Community of municipalities with Serbian majority", according to Belgrade-Pristina agreement, and stresses that "expects all parties concerned to respect that decision."

Ivanovic: O.Ivanovic: Without substantial deviation from the agreement in Brussels (KIM radio)

The leader of the Civic initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic says that the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo on the Community/ Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is worded in such a way which enables the government of Kosovo to do certain changes, "more cosmetic in nature," but he doubts there will be substantial changes on the agreed in Brussels in regards to the ZSO.

Ivanovic told Tanjug that the call of the Kosovo Constitutional Court, on the equality of all communities in Kosovo, is irrelevant.

Mustafa requests inclusiveness on drafting the decree and statute for association (

The government of Kosovo concluded today’s meeting where they stressed that the government would not annul or renegotiate the agreement for Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities.

Tahiri: The Constitutional Court does not request renegotiation of the Agreement (

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said today during the meeting of the government of Kosovo that the Constitutional Court did not annul any point of the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and neither was it requested to renegotiate the issue.

Thaci: Ruling of the Constitutional Court will be respected (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, said today during the meeting of the government that the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, will be respected. “We will respect the decision of the Constitutional Court. As foreseen, we will send again the statute and amendments to the Constitutional Court.” He also said that this issue should not be politicized.

Belgrade demands full implementation of the Brussels agreements (KIM radio, TV Most, Politika, B92)

Marko Djuric says that Belgrade is demanding the full implementation of the Brussels agreements reached in talks with Pristina.

"We expect and demand full implementation of the Brussels agreements, we demand from the international community the full implementation of these agreements. Nobody asked us when that constitution (of Kosovo) was passed. We ask that the agreements are fully respected," Marko Djuric told RTS.

Ymeri: Protests will ultimately nullify the agreement on Association (RTKLive)

The Vetevendosje Movement leader, Visar Ymeri, said yesterday that protests will ultimately nullify the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “On 25 August Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci said that the Association empowers the state of Kosovo and is in compliance with the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. It was the petition of citizens who insisted in the annulment of this agreement.  It was the protest of the united opposition in the Assembly, in the streets and everywhere what forces the institutions to act.

EU Office: We expect all parties to respect Constitutional Court’s decision (Koha)

The EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative has taken note of the decision of the Constitutional Court concerning the assessment of the principles on the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “The Constitutional Court has held that the Association/Community of the Serb-majority municipalities is to be established as provided by the First Agreement, in accordance with the Constitution.