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Session of 10 Serb-majority municipalities in Mitrovica North – 3 conclusions adopted (KoSSev portal)

Chairperson of the Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly, Dejan Guresic read conclusions from today’s session where 10 Serb-majority municipalities’ representatives participated. The conclusions were adopted unanimously, KoSSev portal reports.

The Serbian list leaves the Kosovo government (Serbian media)

President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic says the Serbian list leaves the Kosovo government, all Serbian media reports from the press conference scheduled at 12.30 pm in Belgrade following yesterday's events in connection with Djuric's arrest by ROSU units in Mitrovica North.

Goran Rakic, after meeting with President Vucic, said that the assembly of all ten municipalities with the majority Serbian population will be held tomorrow.

Internal dialogue: Civil society in KiM at exceptional level (Kontakt plus radio)

A roundtable with civil society representatives was held yesterday in Mitrovica North, within the framework of the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Deputy Director Dušan Kozarev, Director of the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society Žarko Stepanović, Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic and Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakic also attended the roundtable.

Hoti: Dynamic work on gathering evidence on murder, Rakic requests police to issue press release on course of investigation (Danas)

The only official information related to the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, so far is that the Working Group established by Kosovo Government, with permission of a public prosecutor “dynamically works to gather evidence,” Danas daily reported.

KFOR with Rakic, Hodzic: To strengthen cooperation in the investigation (RTS)

The Mayor of northern Mitrovica Goran Rakic met KFOR Commander Salvatore Cuoci with regard to the current security situation after the tragic murder of Oliver Ivanovic, reports RTS.

Rakic says that it is crucial to strengthen the cooperation of all the security structures involved in the investigation.

Rakic: Arrests of Serbs in Kosovo must stop (KIM Radio)

Arrests of Serbs in Kosovo based on principle of “two witnesses” and without evidence must stop, mayor of the Mitrovica North municipality, Goran Rakic told KIM Radio.

Rakic also warned that such arrests intimidate Serb returnees.

“The experience tells us they arrest as a rule, reputable Serbs who wish to return to their places of origin, as Bozidar Mitrovic,” Rakic said.