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Haradinaj: Only Kosovo has the right to authorise Serbian side to get involved in Ivanovic’s murder investigation (KP)

Kosovapress quotes Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, as saying that only Kosovo institutions have the right to give authorisations for involvement in investigations into the killing of Serb political leader, Oliver Ivanovic and that this competency does not rest with either EULEX or UNMIK. However, Haradinaj said Serbian authorities only requested exchange of information which Kosovo side will oblige.

Haradinaj: No alternative to dialogue (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said the Kosovo delegation in talks with Serbia had a more than three-hour long meeting with EU officials in Brussels and discussed the structure of dialogue in the past and the future as well as the current state of implementation of agreements reached in the process. In a Facebook post Haradinaj said the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was scheduled to take place over three days starting 16 January but was cancelled on the part of the Serbian side citing events in the northern part of Mitrovica.

Haradinaj condemns Oliver Ivanovic’s murder (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, has condemned the murder of the Serb Civic Imitative “Freedom, Democracy, Justice,”, Oliver Ivanovic.

Haradinaj called this act criminal and punishable.

He also wrote that Kosovo remains determined on creation of a safe and secure environment for all its citizens.

Oliver Ivanovic’s murder under unclear circumstances and unknown motives, is a criminal and punishable act.

Haradinaj: AAK is against special court and Association (RTK)

In a visit to the municipality of Gjakova/Djakovica today, Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj is quoted as having said that his party, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), continues to oppose the specialist chambers as well as the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Haradinaj said that the fact his party is now part of the ruling coalition will not change the way they view things. “I did not come here to adapt,” he said.

Stanojkovic: The case of "yellow house" still active (KIM radio, Politika, Blic)

War crimes prosecutor Snezana Stanojkovic says that the prosecution took over 761 cases from Kosovo, KIM radio reports. According to her, the cases are in the appropriate registers and distributed to the processors for further action.

In an interview for Belgrade based daily Politika, Stanojkovic says that the subject of trafficking in human organs, known as the "yellow house" is still active, but that the start of the work is awaited of the Special Court for KLA crimes and its proceeding on this case.

Activists donate about 300 ties to ‘struggling’ Prime Minister (Prishtina Insight)

A belated Christmas present: activists gathered in downtown Prishtina to donate ties to PM Haradinaj who said he needed an almost 50 per cent raise to buy shirts and ties.

Kushtrim Mehmeti, one of the organizers of the ‘humanitarian action’ to ‘aid the Prime Minister’, places donated ties on the government fence.

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Haradinaj: I speak to everyone, I am open (Kossev, Slobodno Srpski)

Haradinaj says that all issues that have so far been part of the dialogue in Brussels have no weight, because the main question between Kosovo and Serbia has not been resolved, and that is Kosovo's recognition by Serbia.

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj was a guest in TV Show "Slobodno Srpski" on Sunday night; among the reasons is the first 100 days of the government that he is in charge.

Klan Kosova: Haradinaj has the highest salary in the region

Klan Kosova reports that the recent salary increase puts Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj at the top of highest-paid prime ministers in the region. Haradinaj’s counterpart in Albania, Edi Rama, for instance earns €1,700 a month while Zoran Zaev from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) receives €1,300. Meanwhile, Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic has a monthly salary of €1,130 whereas Ana Brnabic of Serbia earns €1,000. According to a recent decision signed by Haradinaj, his salary is set to increase from €1,550 to €2,950.

Vetevendosje’s Haxhiu: Haradinaj broke the law by increasing his own salary (Zeri)

Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, said Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, broke the law by deciding to increase his own salary as well as those of his cabinet. Citing Kosovo’s Criminal Code, Haxhiu said she would send the case to the anti-corruption agency. “Article 424 of the Criminal Code forbids an official person from deciding on an issues in which he or she has a direct financial interest,” Haxhiu said.