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Extremism increasingly present in Kosovo (TV Most)

Kosovo Minister of Local Government Administration and coordinator of the management team for the establishment of the Association / Community of Serb municipalities Ljubomir Maric said that the incidents that began last year (after reaching agreement on the Community in Brussels) are receiving new forms. He added that non-Albanians, Serbs in the first place, and everything which has characteristics of Serbian, become the target of extremism which is increasingly present.

Radojevic: Police hands are tied, judiciary not doing its job (RTK2)

The current security situation in Kosovo is complex, despite the official position that situation is stable, said Deputy Kosovo Minister of the Interior Milan Radojevic to RTK2. He further said that the several months long blockade of the parliament is contributing to the rise of tensions in Kosovo, and is linked to latest attacks on Serbs with the situation in the Kosovo parliament.

Serb injured and robbed in North Mitrovica (Kontakt Plus Radio)

A man of Serbian nationality was injured yesterday in North Mitrovica after an unknown attacker entered a shop in St. Kolasinska and robbed him.

The Deputy Regional Commander of Kosovo Police Besim Hoti said to Kontakt Plus Radio that the incident took place around 15:10, and that RSD 30.000 and EUR 1.500 were stolen from the victim by an unknown armed man. The victim sustained injuries on his head which were later treated in the hospital in North Mitrovcia.

Kosovo Interior Ministry: Islamists did not plan attack in Serbia (KIM radio, TV Most, Vesti, Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo Interior Ministry confirmed that three Islamists were arrested on suspicion that they were engaged in recruitment of new members, not because of planning attacks in Serbia.

Three members of the Islamic state were arrested on the basis of operational data, which Kosovo received from Turkey and another country.

According to information Tanjug received, there was no indication that the three arrested intended and planned attacks in Serbia, as some media have reported.

Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri arrested (Koha)

Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri was arrested this morning by police in his flat in Pristina. In a press release, Vetevendosje said Ymeri was taken by force to a court hearing. “The arrest of the leader of the largest opposition party comes after hundreds of arrests of the Movement’s activists and MPs in the last six months. The reasons behind these persecutions are entirely political,” the press release reads.

Does anybody want destabilization of the Regional Directorate of Mitrovica North Police (Kontakt plus radio)

Some members of Kosovo police in northern Kosovo, who requested anonymity, stated that they suspected that some of the recent actions of the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo (PIK) were aimed at destabilizing the Regional Directorate of Mitrovica North Police.

This reaction came after PIK suspended several police officers in northern Kosovo on suspicion of corruption and of having committed the crime of bribery.

Movement for Unification calls on protesters and celebrators to show self-restraint (Koha)

The Movement for Unification (LB), a partner in the ruling coalition, issued a media communiqué today calling on all Kosovo citizens to refrain from putting themselves in dangerous situations on Friday when the Assembly will elect the new President of Kosovo. “The situation can become tense and get out of control on Friday, when the Kosovo Assembly is scheduled to vote for the new President of Kosovo … On the same day and at the same place, the opposition and the PDK [Democratic Party of Kosovo] have announced their activities.

Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq: Kosovo police harassed me for two hours (TV Most, Politika)

Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanovic was harassed for two hours by a member of the Kosovo police at the Končulj crossing line, when he was crossing from Kosovo to Serbia.

It happened, Jablanovic says, on his way to an official trip to Belgrade from Pristina. A police lieutenant refused to accept the travel order "because it was without a seal."

Ymeri: Prosecution of Vetevendosje activists continues, Thaci insulted citizens (Koha)

The leader of the Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, said today at a press conference that Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci threatened citizens who participated at the protest. “These threats and insults are unacceptable and punishable,” said Ymeri and added that Thaci should give account for his statements made on Wednesday after the protest.

Kosovo Police drafts plan for 17 February protests (Gazeta Blic)

In a press release, Kosovo Police informed that it is already in possession of a plan to ensure safety and security during the upcoming protest.

“With the intention of informing public opinion on the protest which will be held on 17 February, at 14:00 hours, Kosovo Police has made all the required preparations by drafting the operational plan,” says the press release.

The strategic aim of this operational plan is: