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After Brits, Germans advise against traveling to north of Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

After the Embassy of Great Britain issued a statement advising its citizens not to travel to the north of Kosovo due to the crime there, Germany did a similar thing, Tanjug news agency reported.

Namely, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a warning to its citizens not to travel to the northern municipalities of Zubin Potok, Leposavic, Zvecan and Mitrovica North because “situation there is still tense.”

Serbs protest in Mitrovica North - Brothers and sisters, no turning back from here (Serbian media)

Serbs protested on Tuesday in Mitrovica North against what they see as Pristina's disgraceful moves, and the arrests of Serbs in this northern Kosovo town, Serbian media report.

The protest was attended by a large number of citizens of the northern part of the town, who were first addressed by the now former mayor, Goran Rakic, who, about an hour earlier, resigned along with other three Serb mayors in northern Kosovo.

North of Kosovo trusts neither Serbian nor Albanian politicians (RFE, Danas)

Around 88 percent of citizens in the four northern Kosovo municipalities, where the majority Serb population is residing, does not trust any Serb politician in Kosovo, while 99 percent does not trust any Albanian politician, Radio Free Europe reports today.

This is according to the survey conducted by Mitrovica North Non-Governmental Organization Aktiv, which in the second half of June interviewed 800 respondents from Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan.

Northern Kosovo residents: Investments not visible on ground (RTK2)

RTK in Serbian language in an article published yesterday pointed out investments in the four northern municipalities are made from three separate budgets: Government of Kosovo, Government of Serbia, and the Development Fund for the North, while there are different organizations and EU countries, that are also investing there.

However, residents of Mitrovica North say the investments are not felt on the ground. They think that money is not distributed fairly, and it is being invested in wrong projects which are not beneficial for the citizens.

Bojic: Security situation stable (Radio kontakt plus)

Chief of Kosovo Police Regional Operations in the North Zeljko Bojic told Radio kontakt plus security situation in the north of Kosovo is stable and police undertakes all the measures to keep it as such.

Radio kontakt plus also said some of the Mitrovica North citizens the radio interviewed said they are concerned due to different rumours one could hear over the last days related to the security situation in the north of Kosovo.

“Northern Kosovo isolated island” (KIM Radio)

Economy in the northern Kosovo is isolated from the rest of Kosovo and central Serbia, representing an island with around 3.000 enterprises and very unfavorable commercial structure.

These remarks were made during the presentation of a study on the state of the economy in the north of Kosovo, following the signing of the Brussels agreement, KIM Radio reports.

Austrian vice-chancellor: Kosovo undoubtedly part of Serbia (B92, Beta, Tanjug, Politika, RTS)

Kosovo is without a doubt a part of Serbia, says Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache.

In an interview for Belgrade-based daily Politika ahead of his visit to Serbia, Strache said it would be desirable if northern Kosovo had the right to "self-determination or autonomy" - and that it would be wrong to pressure Belgrade to recognize Kosovo.

"I think that recognition of Kosovo a matter for Serbia alone. To pressure on the country because of that would be wrong," he said.

Jablanovic speaks about his arrest (

Aleksandar Jablanovic, leader of Kosovo Serbs Party  was released late last night, after being detained by Kosovo Police for being involved in an incident.

“I and some colleagues were close to the offices of our party, and we noticed activists of the Serbian List putting marketing posters of the Serbian Party, and there was no fighting, or clash or gun use,” said Jablanovic.