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Trepca to be urgently removed from the KPA (Gazeta Express)

The general director of Trepca mining complex, Ahmet Tmava,  said for Klan Kosova that the revival of Trepca will occur only when the economic giant will be out from the Kosovo Privatization Agency (KPA) and enter into a project that offers development opportunities.  "Trepca is incorrectly placed under the KPA, and should be removed from there as soon as possible. We are against the privatization. For the units that we can prove that can be reactivated, the privatization process is out of question,” said Tmava.

Vetevendosje rebels, calls for protests (Zeri)

 Representatives of Vetevendosje Movement request a massive support of all political parties, population, trade unions and other organizations in protests against bad governing of Kosovo. Vetevendosje seems to be determined to protest against the government, however, it has not set a date. Dardan Molliqaj, member of Vetevendosje, said that this movement never gave up protests and demonstrations as a form of political action and that they have never considered their participation in the institutions, as a replacement.

Kosovo, seeking IMF help, wins praise for ditching pay hike plan (Reuters)

The International Monetary Fund praised Kosovo's new prime minister on Monday for defying a strike threat and sticking to plans for steep public sector pay hikes.

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, who took power two weeks ago, has vetoed a pledge by his predecessor to raise public sector salaries by 25 percent annually for the next four years, following a similar raise this year.

Braathu: Corruption is one of the main problems in Kosovo (Radio Kosova)

The economic development and creation of new jobs should be a priority for the new government of Kosovo, said the Norwegian Ambassador to Kosovo, Jan Braathu, for Radio Kosova. Braathu said that the two parties in the ruling coalition, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) had focused their election campaigns on economic development, and now they have to keep their promises. Braathu also spoke about Kosovo's other priorities, such as the fight against corruption and the establishment of special court.

The government of obligations (Gazeta Express)

Shkelzen Maliqi notes in his opinion piece for Gazeta Express that skepticism and critique play a positive role on the work of the new government, making it aware that they are under continuous observance of the opposition and public opinion. However he adds, they can also be counter-productive and blocking if initiated by nihilistic and revenging premises or from exaggerated expectations which cannot be performed within the limited governing mandate.

Women’s Network call on Kosovo Assembly to change the draft law on budget (Koha)

Kosovo Women's Network (KWN) expressed their dissatisfaction with the draft law on budget for 2015. Koha writes that according to this organization, the draft law on budget does not adequately reflect the needs of citizens and does not create opportunities for the application of the laws in force in Kosovo.

Gnocchi: Kosovo to work on the European agenda (Radio Kosova)

The Deputy Special Representative of European Union (EU) in Kosovo, Thomas Gnocchi, said in an interview for Radio Kosova that, whatever the number of ministers and deputy ministers will be in the new government of Kosovo, the EU expects that Kosovo will have an efficient government, and able to address all of the priorities.