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No Government until end of August or early September (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo will remain without a government for at least a month and a half, sources said for Gazeta Blic and added that the Constitutional Court will reply to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in several days’ time.

“In the best case scenario, it will be beginning of August when the president of the country will propose Hashim Thaci, as the leader of the largest party, to form the government and he will have 15 days to do so”, the source said.

Kosovo towards a technical government, Blerim Shala prime minister? (Indeksonline)

Kosovo needs to change its Constitution by September to enable the establishment of the Special Court. This is expected to lead the international community insisting that a new Kosovo government is formed as quickly as possible and be comprehensive.

A government between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) with a technical prime minister is seen as a solution that would provide stability, Indeksonline quotes what it says are local and international sources.

Kosovo office head: Ministerial positions for Serbs (B92, TV Most, KiM radio)

BELGRADE -- Serbia opted to participate in the Kosovo authorities and take on responsibility and expects Serbs to be given ministerial posts, says Marko Đurić.

"Serbia has chosen to take on a considerable part of responsibility for security, economic sustainability and quality of life of the entire Serb community in the province by participating in the Kosovo government," said the director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

Failure of the Bloc – victory for Thaci (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Arbana Xharra, says that although the parties that have recently joined a coalition bloc have exchanged in the past quite a few allegations, have now gathered around a joint cause to bring down Hashim Thaci. In this journey, the leaders of these parties made some painful compromises and these include, most notably, the leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, renouncing the post of prime minister and giving it to the leader of Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj.

PDK renounces Thaci for PM, favours LDK’s Lutfi Haziri instead? (Gazeta Blic)

The name of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) senior official, Lutfi Haziri, has been mentioned as a consensual candidate for prime minister inside the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Haziri could be the future Kosovo PM if the nominations from the two blocs fail.

Haziri, however, denied the possibility and said that this is a proposal from PDK circles. “I have no comments because this whole situation is linked to two political blocs that are divided and they each have their nominations”, said Haziri.

Opposition could boycott Assembly session to avoid “leaking” of votes (Telegrafi)

Contraband of MPs, according to Kosovo analysts, is one of the only alternatives left to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to be able to form the government. However, this seems to be very difficult due to the opposition’s unification to prevent a third term for a Thaci-led government.

Fisnik Korenica from the Judicial and Political Studies Group said that the fact the opposition is united shows that PDK will have a very hard time in trying to contraband MPs from other parties.

The political crisis leads into a new election (KiM radio)

The political crisis in which the Kosovo society is found may lead to new elections, says analyst Dukagjin Gorani, while Aleksandar Stojanovic believes that citizens are saturated with elections and that they are unnecessary.

Director of the Liberal Democratic Centre in Pristina, Dukagjin Gorani said on TV Show "Dogovor" that the society is currently in limbo due to the political crisis caused because of the forming of a new government therefore there might be new parliamentary elections.

Written agreement on the broad-based coalition (Tribuna)

A written agreement that would encompass the main governing principles is expected to be signed in the coming days by leaders of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) on one hand and Vetevendosje on the other. The agreement comes as a necessity for LDK, AAK and NISMA to secure support from Vetevendosje.

Mustafa: Government not created by conditionings or the logic of “fishing” (Telegrafi)

Leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said that the party’s thirty MPs are unified in their objectives.

Mustafa said LDK MPs don’t consider a government with Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) as an ideal solution but accept it as a better and necessary alternative to stop a Thaci-led government and begin changes in strengthening the legal state.

Brussels to send a “special envoy” to Pristina on Thursday (Gazeta Blic)

Authorities in Brussels will send on Thursday as special envoy to Pristina who is expected to meet leaders of all parties. This EU senior official is expected to clarify to the leaders the principles upon which the future government of Kosovo should be build, international sources told Gazeta Blic.

“The main condition, or principle, of European Union is continuation of talks with Serbia. This senior Brussels official will demand anyone who forms the government to continue negotiations with Serbia”, the source said.