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Vetevendosje should not pull out of the agreement (Bota Sot)

In an editorial, the paper says that not a lot of political activity is expected until the Constitutional Court delivers its ruling on the legality of Kosovo Assembly Speaker’s election and this time will be mainly focused on ongoing debates, one of which concerns the possibility of Vetevendosje joining the post-election coalition in efforts to form a new Government of Kosovo.

Mistakes the bloc should not make (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku writes in his weekly column for the paper that the post-election coalition bloc between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), cannot afford to make the mistake of dividing ministerial posts based on the previous government’s model and should reduce the number of ministries. it should immediately introduce a new model of governance and not build on the old one, suggests Abdixhiku.

Haradinaj: Outgoing Government’s decisions are unconstitutional (Kosovapress)

The three-party bloc had a meeting today at the offices of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group and discussed the institutional vacuum and the programme it would implement if it forms the new Government.

LDK leader, Isa Mustafa, said they discussed the decisions that the outgoing Government is taking and added that they consider them to be unconstitutional.

Jevtic: No new elections, government in September (Blic)

Kosovo Minister for Returns and Communities, Dalibor Jevtic said that there will be no new elections. “According to information I have, the formation of the Government should be completed in September. It is in the interest of both, citizens and the whole Kosovo society. Simply, there are a lot of problems that should be solved and that is the reason why we want to establish the institutions as soon as possible,” said Jevtic to the reporters in village Ajnovce, near Kosovska Kamenica.

Troubles with Thaci, all rely on Serbs (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade - Political analysts from Belgrade and Pristina, Dusan Janjic and Fatmir Sheholi agree that the report of the Head of a special team to investigate allegations of human organ trafficking Clint Williamson, although did not announce the names of the responsible, is going to speed up the solution of post-election political crisis in Pristina and the formation of new Kosovo government.

The Government values the report of prosecutor Williamson, announces continuance of support (Koha Ditore)

The Government of Kosovo has issued a press release where it values the report of Ambassador Clint Williamson on the investigations based on the claims of the European Council Rapporteur, Dick Marty on trafficking of human organs by the members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Djuric on conditions for Serbs' participation in Kosovo govt (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Director of Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said that Serb representatives in the province are ready to participate in the new Kosovo government, but only under certain conditions.

The most important condition is the formation of the community of Serb municipalities in line with the agreement reached by Belgrade and Pristina on April 19, 2013 in Brussels, as well as improving the safety of the citizens, Djuric said in an interview to Belgrade-based weekly Novi Magazin.

Serbian parties will support government under certain conditions (RTK2)

Although still it is not in sight which party could form a new government of Kosovo, minority political parties put forward their demands, in return for the support to the future government. If it wants the support of the Serbian List, the future Kosovo government will have to make some concessions.

Thaci calls for patience until Constitutional Court’s reply (Lajmi)

Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said in the meeting of the Kosovo Government that the opinion of the constitutional Court on the legality of the process of forming new institutions will clarify the political situation in Kosovo.

Thaci called on all parties involved in the election process to wait for the opinion of the Constitutional Court and then take decisions.