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Veseli: I fully support efforts for rule of law (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President and acting-leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, when asked about Kosovo Police and EULEX operation against organized crime in Kosovo today, said Kosovo is committed to the rule of law. “I give my full support to the efforts for rule of law. Prosecution and judiciary shall do their work independently and we will wait for the outcome of their decisions. Either way, we will all be equal before the law,” Veseli said.

Delawie: Twnety thousand jobs within the next six years (

Leaders of Kosovo institutions and foreign diplomats presented today in Gracanica the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund. Small and medium sized businesses are expected to gain an easier access to loans after the establishment of the Credit Guarantee Fund, which enables more favorable loans for them.

The Fund, which is a local, independent and sustainable institution, will issue partial guarantees for loans to the financial institutions, increasing in this manner access for micro and medium sized enterprises.

Veseli: Dialogue with neighbors and others, important for Kosovo’s future (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli during a debate organized today by civil society on the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA), said Kosovo needs the dialogue with others in order to achieve important agreements. “Kosovo needs a parallel dialogue with neighbors and others in order to achieve important agreements. The European agenda is a national priority for which we have a common consensus between the government and the opposition,” Veseli said.

Thaci and Veseli for coordination of actions on EU integration (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, has received today the chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, as part of the meetings with the representatives of various Kosovo institutions.

They discussed the intensification of cooperation between the Presidency and the Assembly in all areas, especially in the areas of rule of law and European integration.

“The Presidency and the Assembly will continue to coordinate their work to ensure the efficient functioning of our institutions. We need to accelerate our path into NATO and the EU”, President Thaçi said.

Veseli won't be the only candidate for leader of PDK (Klan Kosova)

Despite that he is the party’s nominee, Kadri Veseli, has not accepted to be the only candidate to run for the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). This was confirmed by PDK’s deputy leader, Memli Krasniqi. Krasniqi said there will be other candidates running for this post, and that all the candidate will announce their candidacy at the same time. Election of the new PDK leader will be done during PDK’s Extraordinary Convention on 7 May.

McCain: United States will continue to support Kosovo (media)

The President of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli, during his visit to Washington, met with U.S. Senator John McCain and thanked him for his personal support for all phases of Kosovo’s state-building process. Veseli briefed McCain on developments and challenges in Kosovo and asked McCain to keep Kosovo at the focus of the U.S. Senate. McCain congratulated Veseli on the work done so far and encouraged him to continue fulfilling constitutional obligations for the good of all Kosovo’s citizens.

Assembly thanks NATO for air raids in Kosovo’s defense (Koha)

The news site reports that the Kosovo Assembly began its session today by marking the 17th anniversary of the NATO air raids against Serbian targets and in defense of Kosovo Albanians in 1999. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli and Isa Mustafa delivered speeches commemorating the NATO raids and highlighted their importance for the liberation of Kosovo. Veseli and Mustafa also talked about the global war against terror and Kosovo’s commitment to this front. The MPs observed a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the recent terror attacks in Brussels.

Veseli’s offer: Kosovo might go for early elections (Gazeta Blic)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, who is also acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, will meet this week with the Prime Minister of Kosovo to discuss a new platform for overcoming the crisis. This platform could include an agreement on early elections, reports Top Channel.

According to sources of this media, within the cabinet of the Assembly President, the offer could result with a comprehensive agreement for early elections, but not in a short period of time.

Veseli replies to the Constitutional Court: Election of President, in accordance with Constitution (Gazeta Express)

After the request of the Constitutional Court, Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, submitted his version of election of the President of Kosovo at the Assembly session of 26 February. In a prolonged replay, Veseli stresses that the Assembly of Kosovo has elected the President in accordance with the Constitution.