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Russian authorities confirm arrest of its nationals in Kosovo (Koha/RFE)

The Russian Embassy in Serbia has confirmed the arrest of six of its nationals by authorities in Kosovo. “A representative of the Russian office in Pristina has been dealing with this issue as soon as the Russian citizens were detained. He immediately went to the scene”, said Russian Embassy’s spokesperson, Yuri Pichugin. The Russian nationals were arrested yesterday along with five Serb nationals for illegal entry into Kosovo.


Konjufca: Vetevendosje not to attend Wednesday meeting (Koha)

Vetevendosje’s Glauk Konjufca told the media that they would not take part in the consultative meeting of parliamentary parties scheduled for Wednesday. He said the meeting has been called by the chairman of the Assembly session, Vetevendosje’s Adem Mikullovci, but that Vetevendosje considers this is just part of PAN’s delaying tactics. “They wish to impose absurd ideas”, Konjufca said of PAN coalition.

Hoti: PAN does not have enough votes (Telegrafi/Koha)

LAA coalition’s candidate for prime minister, Avdullah Hoti, said after the closing of today’s constitutive session of the Assembly that it is clear PAN coalition has not secured enough votes to form new institutions. “We should have had a new Assembly and Government three weeks ago”, Hoti said adding that Kosovo cannot afford to lose any more time.

Minister: Kosovo not sliding towards energy crisis (Koha/Kosovapress)

Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, said there is no room for panic with regards to concerns over Kosovo’s energy supply. Stavileci said relevant institutions have undertaken all necessary actions to ensure electricity supply.

Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ferat Shala, said his ministry is implementing the law on expropriation but until its full implementation, the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) should negotiate with residents on some provisional settlement.

“Dialogue does not mean Serbia’s readiness to recognize Kosovo” (Tanjug, Klan Kosova)

Head of Serbia’s Parliamentary Commission for for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun said today that the initiative to start an internal dialogue on Kosovo, does not mean that Serbia is ready to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, but to deal with proposals and see final solution of the problem.

According to him, Serbia’s proposal for the solution of the Kosovo problem should be presented to Albanians and the international community, in order to open discussions on the matter, reported Serbian news agency, Tanjug.

Konjufca: We do not want blockade, but name of Assembly President is important (Koha)

Vetvendosje MP, Glauk Konjufca said today that “the PAN coalition does not have the numbers to create the government or to vote the Assembly President, however he added, it can happen that some MP decides to join this coalition.

After his registration as Kosovo Assembly MP, Konjufca said “Vetevendosje is not for blockade of any process in an unreasonable manner, however the name proposed for the Assembly President is very important for us,” he said.

He reiterated Vetevendosje’s official decision that they would not vote Kadri Veseli for Assembly President.

“Our region, three main challenges and three solutions” conference underway in Gjilan/Gnjilane (Koha)

The conference “Our region, three main challenges and three solutions”, supported by the Office of the UN Special Representative to Kosovo, is underway in Gjilan/Gnjilane. The conference gathers five mayors of municipalities in the east region as well as officials from the Office of the UN Special Representative to Kosovo, OSCE and civil society.