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The enraged insults all partners (Koha)

Publicist Enver Robelli writes in his opinion piece that “Hashim Thaci’s recent insults against Albanian political parties that don’t want to enter a coalition with him reveal that the PDK chief sees Isa Mustafa, Ramush Haradinaj, Fatmir Limaj and Albin Kurti only as means to get to power through their votes”. Robelli notes that the coalition between the LDK, AAK and NISMA might not be natural, but that the PDK needs to search within itself the reasons behind this coalition. “Why is everyone boycotting Thaci? He is the best person to answer this question, if he were to be honest.


Mortal remains from Rudnica to be repatriated on 12 September (Koha)

Kosovo Government Commission in a consultation meeting held today discussed about the possible date for repatriation of mortal remains of persons identified and exhumed from Rudnica, municipality of Rashka.

Repatriation of mortal remains identified through DNA analysis planned for the end of this week, will be postponed for 12 September. The repatriation of identified mortal remains will be made through EULEX

Prosecution confirms police are interviewing Imam Krasniqi (Koha)

The Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo has confirmed that Shefqet Krasniqi, Imam of the Grand Mosque in Pristina, is being interviewed by Kosovo Police. “The imam’s house was raided by Kosovo Police. For the time being, Krasniqi is being interviewed and there is no decision to detain him. We don’t know this will develop, it depends on the interview,” a statement issued by the Special Prosecution noted.

Constitutive session to continue on 12 September (kohaonline)

The chairperson of the constitutive session of the Assembly of Kosovo, Flora Brovina, decided during her meeting with the representatives of the Democratic Party of Kosovo and minority parties, to hold the constitutive session of the Assembly, on 12 September, at 10:00 a.m.

The Democratic Party of Kosovo was represented by Enver Hoxhaj, while the opposition coalition and Vetevendosje did not participate, despite Brovina’s invitation.

Brovina: No session without consultation (kohaonline)

After the negative response of the representatives of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), who stated that they would not attend the meeting scheduled by Flora Brovina, the later stated that if the parties of the opposition coalition do not attend the meeting, she will not call the Assembly session.

Books from Serbia enter Kosovo (Kohaonline)

Textbooks from Serbia, which were stopped a few days ago from entering Kosovo at Jarinje border point, are already in Kosovo.

The news was confirmed for KosovaPress by representatives of Kosovo Customs. Officials from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, stressed that the books are already being distributed to the respective schools. They also stressed that this is allowed based on Ahtisaari’s Plan and agreements reached in Brussels, despite the fact that the books are not in accordance with the curriculum of Kosovo.

Limited options: Either broad-based government or new elections (Koha)

Naim Rashiti, political analyst with the Pristina-based Balkans Group for Policy Research, argues in an opinion piece that if the Kosovo Assembly fails to elect the assembly presidency, political parties should reach a quick agreement for a broad-based government. According to Rashiti, a broad-based government (PDK, LDK, AAK and NISMA) would not have good governance as its priority, but it would help the country emerge from the current deadlock and perhaps even reach consensus on several capital issues.


President Jahjaga decreed the confirmation for continuation of the mandate of international judges of the Constitutional Court

President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, on August 31st, 2014 (Sunday), decreed the confirmation for continuation of mandate of the international judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo. Monday, 01 September 2014

The Court is asking what was the writer trying to say? (kohaonline)

According to columnist Halil Matoshi, the Constitutional Court has not offered a solution, in the contrary it crated a total confusion on the possibilities to create new institutions. Matoshi claims that the Constitutional Court in a way legitimized the intentions of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), to create new institutions by force.
