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The opposition train (Koha)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that the Vetevendosje Movement so far has made several painful compromises in order to achieve one of their ultimate objectives – ending the seizure of the state, and sending the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in the opposition. Without the Vetevendosje Movement, it would have been very difficult to form a coalition between the LDK, AAK and NISMA. The Vetevendosje Movement, according to Kelmendi, is the locomotive that has set in motion the train of the opposition.


Germany requests from Serbia a treaty on good neighboring relations with Kosovo (koha)

A delegation of German deputies, led by Andreas Shokenhof, has arrived for an official visit in Serbia.

During the meetings with Serb officials, they stated that Germany stands strongly and unshakable after the seven earlier requests related to Kosovo, made by the Cabinet of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel to the Government of Serbia.

Protest in front of UNHQ in support of Macedonian Albanians (Koha)

Albanians in the US have announced that they will stage a protest on Monday in front of UN Headquarters in New York over the situation of Albanians in Macedonia. The protest is being organised by Albanians living in the US and is aimed against the conviction of 6 Albanians to life in prison by a Macedonian court. The protest is also a sign of solidarity with similar demonstrations being held in Skopje, Pristina and Tirana. The protest will take place on 14 July from 12:00 to 15:00.


Djuric says the “Peace Park” barricade is permanent (Koha)

Director of Office for Kosovo in the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, at the construction of the “Tsar Lazar” square in the northern part of Mitrovica said that “all citizens of Serbia and of Serb nationality living in Kosovo have no reasons to be afraid from Pristina’s threats heard several days ago from Edita Tahiri”.

According to him, threats about destroying the “Peace Park” do not contribute to resolution of the problem. He said the “Peace Park” is a permanent category and will remain where it is and noted that all problems need to be resolved through dialogue.

Meeting of opposition bloc ends, Kurti speaks of approximation of stances (Koha)

The meeting between the leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, that of Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, leader of Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj and of Vetevendosje, Albin Kurti.

The meeting is said to have focused on issues relating to the constitution of the Kosovo Assenbly and the priorities that the future Government of Kosovo should have.

The host of the meeting, Albin Kurti, said that positions of parties are being increasingly bridged and that they will be finalized by the time the Assembly of Kosovo is formed.

A new Albanian diaspora in the new world (Koha)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj writes that Kosovar diaspora in Western Europe is now different from what it used to be in the past and that Albanian youths nowadays are more integrated in their respective societies and are more willing to help their homeland. “Kosovo has perhaps the biggest diaspora per capita in Europe and it depends largely on it. The same goes for Albania. This diaspora has strong ties to their countries of origin. Kosovo and Albania are ready for the tourist season which marks the mass arrival of the diaspora for vacations.


Blast in “Kosova A” deepens energy crisis in Kosovo (Koha)

Generation of electricity in Kosovo has been visibly reduced after the explosion in the “Kosova A” power plant and the electricity is currently being generated only by one unit of “Kosova B”.

Director of Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK), Arben Gjukaj, said the energy crisis in Kosovo has deepened after the blast in “Kosova A” power plant. However, he added that KEK has presented the plan for overcoming the situation which requires assistance from everyone.


Krasniqi: Instead of interpretation, the Constitutional Court causes confusion (kohaonline)

It is not the first time that instead of interpreting the Constitution, the Constitutional Court brings more confusion and rewrites what is not said in the Constitution of Kosovo, wrote Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker, Jakup Krasniqi.

He says that the confusion is caused by majority of the Constitutional Court members, while only one of them, Robert Karollain, gave the right interpretation of respective articles.

Court rules on President’s request, decision to be announced in due time (Koha)

“On Monday, 30 June 2014, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo has deliberated and has decided on the case KO103/14, submitted by the President of the Republic of Kosovo concerning the assessment of the compatibility of Article 84 [Competencies of the President], paragraph 14, with Article 95 [Election of the Government] of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. The Constitutional Court shall publish its decision in due time,” says a press release issued by the Constitutional Court.


Government gives green light for Pristina-Skopje highway construction (Koha)

As anticipated, Government of Kosovo approved today proposal for construction of the Pristina-Hani i Elezit highway.

The winning bidder is the company that also constructed the “Ibrahim Rugova” highway, “Bechtel Enka”, and the project is expected to cost around 600 million euro.

Minister of Infrastructure, Fehmi Mujota, said the winning company was the most serious competitor and added that the contract has been prepared and will be signed in the coming days. Prime Minister Hashim Thaci welcomed the decision through a Facebook post.
