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Jevtic: SLS is already in government (RTK2, KoSSev)

Commenting on allegations that Independent Liberal Party (SLS) could become part of the Kosovo Government in the upcoming period, outgoing Minister for Communities and Returns and Deputy Prime Minister Dalibor Jevtic said that SLS is already part of the government, and the issue of allocation of ministers’ post is a question for the Kosovo Prime Minister, RTK2 reports.

He added “that those criticizing Serbian List (SL) should go out and visit the people on the ground and before throwing a stone at somebody, they should also say what they had done.”

Petrovic: SLS might be part of Kosovo government again (KoSSev, RTK)

“There is a possibility that the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) will be part of the Kosovo Government again,“ SLS president, Slobodan Petrovic told RTK a day before the 13th anniversary of the party.

Petrovic said the SLS gave concrete results during their two terms in the Kosovo government. He underlined it was not easy to survive on the political scene, but that he is proud of the results achieved and the trust of the citizens of Kosovo. He, however, also mentioned the “pressures exerted upon his party”.

Kosovo Serb MP says Serbian police, BIA harassing him (N1, Beta)

A Kosovo Serb MP told reporters in Pristina on Thursday that the Serbian police and Security Information Agency (BIA) were harassing members of his party.

Slobodan Petrovic MP, leader of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) told a new conference that he and his deputy Boban Stankovic had been held on separate occasions by the Serbian police at the Merdare border crossing between Kosovo and Serbia proper, adding that this was an abuse of Serbian institutions for party and political goals.

SLS demands annulment of the decision on allocation of land to Kosovo Polje (KIM radio)

Members of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) in the Gracanica Municipal Assembly demand the annulment of the recently adopted decision on the organization of cadastral lines between the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje in the cadastral zones of the Preoce and Ugljare village, reports KIM radio.

Members of the SLS, however, voted against this decision, but it was adopted by the majority of the other members of the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica.

Why Gracanica gives away 100 hectares to Kosovo Polje? (Voice of America, KIM Radio)

Gracanica Municipal Assembly made decision few weeks ago on regulating cadastral zones between Gracanica and Kosovo Polje municipalities, Voice of America reported today. The decision proposes to merge a part of Serb-majority Gracanica municipality to the Albanian-majority Kosovo Polje.

The Voice of America noted it is not fully understandable based on what and why precisely the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica made such decision.

Autonomous Liberal Party (SLS) marked 12th anniversary (KoSSev portal)

Autonomous Liberal Party (SLS) marked its 12th anniversary with a working session instead of celebration and paid a tribute to murdered Oliver Ivanovic, KoSSev portal reported on Sunday.

“The best among us was killed, man and politician, our friend Oliver Ivanovic,” “a tragedy that shaken everybody in Kosovo and beyond, and brought additional fear and uneasiness among the Serbs in Kosovo,” with these and similar statements and the minute of silence, Autonomous Liberal Party marked its anniversary.

SLS Vice President joined Srpska Lista (RTV KIM, Insajder)

Bojana Todorovic, who was elected as a Deputy President of the Autonomus Liberal Party (SLS) at the last SLS election session, has left this party, RTV KIM reports citing Todorovic’s announcement.

The announcement reads that Todorovic is „disappointed with the SLS politics“ and „has decided to support the Srpska Lista“.

Presidetn of the SLS, Slobodan Petrovic did not comment on her resignation, however, in a statement to RTV KIM he said that „Todorovic is not in the party for 20 days“.

Tensions ahead of local elections in Kosovo (Vesti)

Low blows, insults, repression, blackmail, division on "traitors" and "patriots" are the moves that the Serb parties withdraw in the fight for supremacy. Many citizens say they are in fear, they feel pressures and blackmail, and they point finger to the Serbian List, which is the absolute winner of the past Kosovo local elections, which controls payroll lists of public companies and institutions.

SLS: We do not fight for majority, but for principles (KIM Radio, Kontakt Plus Radio)

Autonomous Liberal Party (SLS) has started election campaign with a press conference in Gracanica yesterday, Serbian media reported. The leader of the SLS, Slobodan Petrovic said the party does not fight for the majority, but for the justice and principles.

Economic and agricultural development, support to the civil society, participation of citizens in decision-making, preservation of identity and cultural heritage, as well as remain of Serbs in Kosovo, are some of the priorities of the SLS.

SLS reaction to the Sputnik's article: Inaccurate and malicious information (KIM radio, KoSSev, RTK2)

The Independent Liberal Party (SLS) reacted today to the Sputnik's text "Secret Recipe for the Kosovo Army", that media in Belgrade and in Kosovo quoted.

According to the SLS announcement, "some media, after the elections, continue to publish false and malicious information about some Serb politicians who are not part of the Serbian List."