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Pristina keeps arrested Serbs in "high security" prison (RTS, B92)

Serbian List deputy leader Igor Simic told RTS that the Serbs, arrested in a Kosovo police unit Rosu raid on Friday, are being kept in a high security prison.

Simic also said that representatives of the emergency HQ (in Mitrovica North) have spoken with the families of the four Serbs and their lawyers.

Simic: Decision to keep EMS in Kosovo a great relief for Serbs (RTS)

The decision of the European Energy Agency on the Elektromreza Srbije (Electric network of Serbia) to remain a part of the energy system in Kosovo has brought great relief to the Serbs in Kosovo, says Deputy of the Serbian List Igor Simic.

Simic told in the RTS News that energy independence and security of citizens and economy in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo is of huge importance.

Serbia prepares assistance of 4.5 billion for the Serbs in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

According to Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti the announced special economic package of the Government of Serbia for 'the rebirth of Serb communities in Kosovo, is worth as much as 4.5 billion dinars.

This ''capital plan'' will be discussed Tuesday in a joint session of the Government with Serb leaders from the territory of Kosovo, which will be attended and by President Aleksandar Vucic.

Assaults on property affect the survival and return of Serbs (RTK2)

Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic told RTK2 that the Serbian List condemns all attacks on the property of Serbs in Kosovo and seeks greater involvement of KFOR, while expressing disappointment with the police's response to theft and the finding of perpetrators.

Simic said in the RTK2 Show ''Poglavlje'' that these attacks directly affect the survival and return of displaced Serbs and that they must therefore be treated as a priority.

Simic: The solution must include the legitimate interests of Serbia and the Serbs (Danas, RTK2)

''What the international factor considers as a solution to the Kosovo issue, in the eyes of Serbia and the Serbs means a recognition of Kosovo, and those are not our legitimate interests,'' says Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic, adding that this should change, reports RTK2.

Representatives of the international community are increasingly louder in stating that Serbs and Albanians should agree on Kosovo. For Simic this is a positive thing that should include the Serbian national interests.

Simic: The story on army serves to divert attention from the dialogue (Blic, TV Pink)

Vice President of the Serbian List Igor Simic says that the goal of the draft bill on the establishment of Kosovo Army is to create tensions after the visit of the Serbian president to Kosovo, but also to divert public attention from the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

- Without the consent of deputies to the Serbian List and amending the Constitution, it is impossible to transform the security forces of Kosovo - emphasized Simic for TV Pink.

"Tell Vucic door to EU is called independence of Kosovo" (Prva TV, B92)

The comments on Vucic's visit to Kosovo over this past weekend keep coming.

Simic: The goal has been achieved, the Serbs are encouraged and united. Sheholi: Vucic should have apologized for the crimes.

Representative of the Serb List from Kosovo Igor Simic told Prva TV after that the visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Kosovo has achieved its goal.

Simic: "Teodosije does not express his opinion, but attacks Vucic" (RTK2, TV Prva, Beta)

Igor Simic, the vice president of the Serbian list, estimated that the bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije did not merely expressed his opinion, but that it was the attack on Vucic and the Serbian List, reports RTK2, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

"It is not an expression of opinion, but a classic attack on President Vucic and the Serbian List, belittling of everything we did, forgetting all the good that was done by Vucic and the Serbian government for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo," Simic told TV Prva.

Simic: Delimitation can prevent ethnic cleansing (FoNet, Danas, RTK2)

Serbian List deputy Igor Simic said that the idea of delimitation with Albanians in basics intends to prevent any future ethnic cleansing, adding that everyone is clear who is concerned sincerely about the future of Serbs in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Simic this way responded to Abbott Sava Janjic's FB post, who estimated that the delimitation would lead to ethnic cleansing, as a legitimate solution.