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N1 Kosovo correspondent receives threats (N1, Kontakt plus radio, Beta, KoSSev)

Zana Cimili, an N1 reporter from Pristina, received severe menace on social networks to her and her family’s physical integrity, the Beta news agency reported late on Thursday.

N1 Kosovo correspondent receives threats

The person who made the threats said it had “a life desire to kill an Albanian, even an Albanian child,” adding it hoped “for a new war in Kosovo during which the Albanians will feel Serbian rage.”

A French journalist who wrote about the Kosovo Serbs has a message for those whom did not like it (Kontakt plus radio, B92)

Kontakt plus radio reported that Jean-Christophe Buisson, the Le figaro Deputy Editor-in-Chief, author of the report on the Kosovo Serbs, made on ten pages under the title "Serbian spirit of resistance", was a target of criticism.

The founder of Solidarity for Kosovo, Arnaud Gouillon, recently said, the both encountered threats and condemnations of "pro-Albanian French journalists", reports Kontakt plus radio.

Four more chemical tankers were delivered to Gorazdevac (Kontakt plus radio, Radio Gorazdevac, KIM radio)

This morning, at the facility of the former leather and shoes combine in Gorazdevac, four more tankers with chemicals were delivered, reports Kontakt plus radio, quoting Radio Gorazdevac.

The Radio Gorazdevac team found the tankers accompanied by firefighters, the Kosovo Security Forces and the Kosovo Police, reports Kontakt plus radio. When asked by the radio whether the owner was present and whether he would give a statement, the radio Radio Gorazdevac reporters were told that he was not there.

Mayors from the north of Kosovo took office (KIM radio, KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio)

In northern Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic, sessions were held yesterday where the elected mayors of these municipalities officially started their mandate after winning the 19 May elections.

Oaths were laid by mayors Goran Rakic, Vucina Jankovic, Srdjan Vulovic and Zoran Todic.

Dacic: Great reserves concerning the outcome of the Paris Meeting (KIM Radio, Kurir)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Kurir that there is a certain will of Germany and France to hold a meeting in Paris, but there are also large reservations regarding the outcome of that meeting, KIM Radio quoted.

"If it is not known in advance that the outcome of the meeting will be positive, I do not think there will be a meeting, which would indicate that Haradinaj is stronger than all of them," Dacic told Kurir.

Jeremic: Vucic must not be allowed to broker demarcation deal (Kontakt plus radio)

Leader of the opposition People's Party Vuk Jeremic said, while visiting the village Pasjane on Saturday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic must not be allowed to make a "demarcation" deal which would be equal to recognizing Kosovo as an independent state, reported Kontakt plus radio.

According to the party's press release, Jeremic made the statement while meeting with the residents of the village of Pasjane, Gnjilane region.

Declaration of women journalists from Kosovo: Reasonable requests for unreasonable problems (Kontakt plus radio)

Radio Kontakt Plus reported that on Friday a group of female journalists held a debate in which they have discussed the joint Declaration that they have recently adopted.

RTK editor-in-chief for community programs, Rabisha Muhaxhiri, Radio Mitrovica North Ivana Vanovac, and the correspondent of German WDR radio Violeta Oroshi attended the debate among other journalists who participated in the final draft of the declaration.

Raska-Prizren Diocese concerned about the unauthorized construction work at the Cathedral Church of St. Nicholas in Novo Brdo (Serbian media)

Diocese of Raska-Prizren issued a statement with f=great concern over the information that announced the beginning of construction work on the site of an old Serbian medieval church, St. Nicholas, which was the cathedral church for the Serbian Orthodox bishops of Novo Brdo and Gracanica, and which is located near the Novo Brdo fortress.

Political representatives of Kosovo Serbs visiting Berlin (Kontakt plus radio)

Delegation of Kosovo Serb political representatives arrived at Berlin to have several meetings with the representatives of German Government and Bundestag, among others with Advisor to Chancellor Merkel, Matthias Lüttenberg, then with the (MFA) Special Envoy of Southeast Europe Mr. Helbach, and MPs Mr Juratovic and Mr Sarazin, reported Kontakt plus radio, quoting the Serbian List's post on Facebook.

Pantovic: There is a possibility of new arrests (Kontakt plus radio, TV Prva)

One of the lawyers of the arrested Serbs Ljubomir Pantovic told TV Prva that 31 persons have been arrested in the action of ROSU, but that there is a possibility of new arrests, reported Kontakt plus radio, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

As Pantovic said, there are reports that two more people voluntarily reported to the Kosovo Police Inspectorate.