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Kosovo Serb Journalists Remembered 20 Years After Disappearance (Balkan Insight)

The fate of two Radio Pristina journalists is still not known, two decades since they disappeared.

Serbian journalists on Tuesday marked two decades since the unexplained disappearance of two colleagues on a road in western Kosovo during the 1998-99 war in the former southern Serbian province.

The fate of Radio Pristina journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic is not known, 20 years after they disappeared on a road between Orahovac/Rahovec and Velika Hoca/Hoca e Madhe while travelling to do a report. The men were 35 and 39 years old respectively.

OSCE urges action on journalists’ murders in Kosovo (B92, BIRN)

The OSCE wants renewed efforts to uncover the truth behind the kidnappings and murders of Serb and ethnic Albanian journalists connected to the 1999 war.

OSCE ambassador to Kosovo Jan Braathu said on Tuesday at the unveiling of a memorial plaque to two Serbian reporters who were kidnapped in 1999 and never found that the European organisation will support increased efforts to find the perpetrators of crimes against journalists in the country.

Seventh attempt of journalists to place memorial plaque – We are searching for them (Radio kontakt plus)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) would today for the seventh time place a memorial plaque next to the Orahovac-Velika Hoca road, dedicated to the missing Radio Pristina journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic, Radio kontakt plus reported.

UNS press statement reads they placed six times a plaque with the inscription – Our colleagues, journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic, were kidnapped here on 21 August 1999. We are searching for them - and today they would do it again, as the previous memorial plaque has been removed.

"Great UNS job investigating Kosovo murders of journalists" (B92, UNS)

"Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) has done great job in investigations of murders and abductions of the journalists on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija"

Chairman of the Commission for Investigating Murder of Journalists Veran Matic had announced the possibility of establishing this commission on Kosovo, with the aim of resolving the killings and abductions of 14 journalists and media workers in osovo and Metohija (KiM) from 1998 until 2005.

Matic: Soon the investigation of the fate of missing and killed journalists in Kosovo (Insajder, KIM radio, Kossev)

Director of the B92 Fund and the President of the Commission for the Investigation of Journalist Murdered in Serbia, Veran Matic, said that in the following months, as a consultant to the OSCE mission in Pristina, he would work on a proposal for the formation of a Commission to deal with the cases of 14 killed and missing journalists in Kosovo in the period from 1998 to 2005, reports the Belgrade based portal Insajder.

For the sixth time, the memorial plaque for the missing journalists near Orahovac demolished (Serbian media)

A memorial plaque set in memory of the kidnappings of Radio Pristina's journalists Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic was demolished and removed the sixth time, and around the place was found a large amount of bones, most likely of animal origin, report Serbian media.

"New York Times journalist saw kidnapped Serb reporters" (UNS, B92)

A New York Times reporter saw a car that transported journalists Ranko Perenic and Djuro Slavuj, kidnapped in Kosovo in 1998.

This is according to the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), that is quoting Milivoje Mihajlovic, a former Radio Pristina editor and head of the Media Center in this town, that was "a key source of information for all media in 1998 and 1999 in Kosovo".