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RTS: The column of KFOR vehicles in the northern Kosovo spotted, carry equipment for blockades

Radio television od Serbia (RTS) reports that more than 45 KFOR vehicles entered the north of Kosovo, just before 10 am today.

According to the information from the field, RTS reports that along with the combat vehicles, members of KFOR also carry equipment for blocking and making barriers, such as construction machines, excavators, reels of wire.

Serbs after Pristina’s decision: Relieved but protests continue (Prva TV, B92)

Prva TV correspondent from Mitrovica North reported that Serbs in Kosovo with relief heard about yesterday’s decision Pristina would not introduce additional measures, adding it does not mean they would stop protests against 100 percent taxes imposed on goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The protest in Mitrovica North would take place today as well, Prva TV reported.

Pacolli’s proposal for north: Economic zone (Insajder, DW, TV N1, BETA)

Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Behgjet Pacolli said he “personally does not see chances for political solution” of the Kosovo issue, and believes in “economic solution for what both sides have interests, Insajder portal reports.

According to the Serbian media, Pacolli proposes north of Kosovo to become a large economic zone, part of it would belong to Serbia, part to Kosovo, and someone else would manage that economic zone.

“I keep saying this since 2007. This is where I see solution. But maybe it is the way too soon for such ideas,” Pacolli said in an interview for DW.

“Why didn’t they leave Haradinaj’s government?” (Danas)

I think the resignations should have been submitted at all levels, and not only that mayors of the northern municipalities do so. I think it makes no sense to call for the national unity and remain in Kosovo government and institutions, deputy leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Ksenija Bozovic said, Danas daily reports.

Support of Serb mayors south of Ibar River (KIM Radio)

Mayors of Serb municipalities south of the Ibar River supported their colleagues in the north, saying that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are united in their attempts to defend their right to exist in the centuries old home areas, KIM Radio reports.

They remain also united in intent to voice in a peaceful and democratic manner disagreement and revolt over difficult situation that Pristina’s trade blockade brought them in.

Aleksandar Jablanovic says resignations unilateral move of Serbian List (Voice of America)

President of the Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) Aleksandar Jablanovic, whose members did not attend the extraordinary session of Leposavic Municipal Assembly, nor were they consulted about that session, opined that this is a unilateral move of the Serbian List, and not the unified decision of Serbian representatives, Voice of America reports.

Decision made: Serb mayors in north resign, end communication with Pristina (Serbian media)

The mayors of the four Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo have signed a four-point declaration, after which they resigned all their functions.

At Tuesday's extraordinary meeting of the mayors of the municipalities of Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan, a declaration was signed by which the leaders of these municipalities withdrew from their functions and severed any communication with the authorities in Pristina.

KFOR announced “some exercises” in north Kosovo (B92)

KFOR has announced it would carry out “some exercises” in the north of Kosovo during the coming days, B92 reports.

“In the following days KFOR is going to conduct some exercise in Northern Kosovo. KFOR troops will move and deploy along the major roads in accordance with their mandate under the UNSCR 1244.This is a normal training activity, not related to any specific threat or concern,” KFOR wrote on their Facebook page.”

“The situation is under control and KFOR continue protecting all citizens in Kosovo, as it has done since 1999,” the statement concluded.