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Company "Koto": We found a hidden cultural treasure in a Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo (KIM radio, Tanjug, Blic)

The ''Koto'' company from Serbia, selected by UNESCO to restore the medieval Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo, has found cultural treasures inside the building.

According to Belgrade based daily Blic, the company "Koto" found a church with the remains of frescoes, a steam bath, the remains of a palace, two buildings, streets, a square, tanks with absorbent wells, while exploring the interior of the 400-square-meter fortress with the consent of the designer, supervisor and project implementer.

Kosovo police arrested, then released Jedinstvo journalist (RTS, KoSSev)

Yesterday around 15:00, Kosovo police has arrested Serbian-monthly newspaper Jedinstvo journalist Sonja Ivkovic from Novo Brdo, Serbian media report. After several hours she was released, while her vehicle was kept, RTS said.

Jedinstvo Editorial Board said in a statement that Sonja Ivkovic was arrested on the Prekovce-Novo Brdo way, while carrying out the latest Jedinstvo edition to the Serbs living in the surrounding villages.

Serbian List this evening or tomorrow about the Thursday's session participation (RTK2)

RTK2 reports that President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic said during his visit to the Municipality of Gracanica that the ban on employment in the public sector would be lifted very soon, so that, as he said, there would be new jobs very soon. Rakic said that youth employment is expected, adding that it means survival in the area.

Dacic to RTS: One more country withdraws recognition of Kosovo (B92, RTS, Politika)

The Head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, told Serbian public broadcaster RTS on Friday that this week he will say the name of the 15th country that withdrew the recognition of Kosovo.

Dacic said for RTS that in this moment less than 100 countries acknowledge ''the independence of so-called Kosovo''.

Kosovo flag removed from fortress in Novo Brdo (RTK2, B92)

Kosovo flag that was placed on the medieval Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo yesterday afternoon has been removed RTK2 reports.

“We went there this morning, we saw everything was removed as if nothing was there, there was no flag, nobody was there. We spoke about this case with the police officers as well,” Svetislav Ivanovic, the mayor of Novo Brdo told RTK2.

He also noted nobody informed the local authorities about placing of the flag and they learned about the case from the media.

Raska-Prizren Eparchy strongly protests over flagrant violation of Law on Special Protection Zones, calls for urgent Implementation and Monitoring Council meeting (Serbian media, Raska-Prizren Eparchy)

Serbian Orthodox Church Raska-Prizren Eparchy expressed the strongest protest over recent unauthorized serving of Catholic mass on the remains of an old cathedral temple of Saint Nikola, seat of Novo Brdo Orthodox Metropolitans and main Orthodox Serbian temple in this medieval town, as well as placing political symbols of Kosovo on the Serbian medieval cultural, historic and religious heritage sites in Novo Brdo Special Protection Zone and organizing public gatherings and other activities aiming to promote the medieval Novo Brdo town as an ethnic Albanian location under unhistorical name “A

Serbian officials react to placing Kosovo flag on Serbian medieval fortress in Novo Brdo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Ministry of Culture condemned placing of Kosovo flag on the medieval Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo, Tanjug news agency reported.

The Ministry noted that Pristina institutions “in the absence of their own cultural heritage reach out to seizing others”. Referring to Kosovo flag the Ministry said that “that colorful fabric with unclear symbolic meaning could serve to nothing else but wiping off the dust from the pearl of the Serbian medieval spirituality and European as well as world cultural heritage.”

Serbian minister’s note to Vatican over Catholic mass at Kosovo Orthodox church (Beta, N1)

Serbian Culture Minister Vladan Vukosavljevic sent a note to the Vatican protesting what he said were tensions caused by Albanian Catholic priests who served mass on the ruins of a Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

Albanian Catholic priests recently served mass on the ruins of the 14th century Orthodox cathedral of St Nicholas which was destroyed in an earthquake. Serbian media reported that the Albanian clergy and politicians had declared the church a Catholic temple.

Eparchy of Raska-Prizren reacts to the mass held at St. Nicholas Church in Novo Brdo (KoSSev, Raska-Prizren Eparchy)

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Kosovo Dode Gjergji and the retired Bishop of Bar Zef Gashi with their clergy and a group of believers served a mass on Thursday at the remains of the Orthodox Christian cathedral of St. Nicholas in the vicinity of the Novo Brdo medieval fortress, KoSSev portal reports.

As it was announced, the mass was held in commemoration of August 1 – the (Albanian) Diaspora Day and, for the very first time, at the “Catholic Church of St. Nicholas.” The mass was attended by the head of the Kosovo Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ismet Hajrullahu.