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Jedinstvo marked 74th anniversary with protest and request for unimpeded distribution of Serbian press (Radio kontakt plus)

The oldest newspaper in the Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija, the Pristina newspaper “Jedinstvo” marked today the 74th anniversary since its establishment with a symbolic protest because it’s been 34 days since the Serbian press is not distributed in Kosovo, due to the increase of the tariffs on import of Serbian goods, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Pristina’s decision to introduce 100% tax on imports of goods from central Serbia and BiH has also affected, among other things, the distribution of Serbia press in Kosovo.

Ljajic: If taxes are not lifted, dialogue remains frozen (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, TV Pink)

Serbian Minister of Trade and Telecommunications, Rasim Ljajic said it is not possible to predict further Pristina’s moves and whether it would revoke its decision on additional taxes for goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tanjug news agency reported.

Ljajic noted there is a clear consensus among the international circles that taxes are unacceptable, and they have to be revoked.

Ljajic on Pristina's tariffs, Trump's letter (FoNet, TV N1, RTS)

Serbian Trade and Telecommunications Minister Rasim Ljajic said on Thursday that following Pristina’s 100 percent customs duties on goods from Serbia introduced on November 21, Belgrade had lost 34.6 million Euros and that the move boosted smuggling, FoNet news agency reports.

Ljajic told public broadcaster RTS the figure showed only the direct damage to Serbia’s export, adding the measure had multiple effects indirectly. He said the goods that were going to Kosovo included re-exported products and foreign brands. Ljajic added that “the smuggling is also blooming".

Serbian PM and EU Trade Commissioner: Pristina's customs duties undermine stability (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and the European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström agreed in Brussels on Wednesday that Kosovo import tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia had undermined the regional stability, BETA news agency reported.

A statement from Brnabic's office said the country had lost an estimated 25.7 million Euros in export due to the 100 percent import tariffs introduced by Pristina early last month and that if the decision remained in place, Belgrade would suffer 65.5 million Euros loss at the end of the year.

Dacic to TV Prva: "President Vucic" and "Mr. Thaci" - Dacic on UNSC session (B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic repeated and to Belgrade based TV Prva that the result of the Monday’s UN Security Session was that the positions of all members of the Council to be heard.

That was the result of this session because, he points out in a statement to Prva TV, "Pristina hardly will withdraw its moves."

Tariffs cost Serbia millions, Trade Minister Ljajic says (Prva TV, BETA, TV N1)

The tariffs imposed by Pristina have cost the Serbian economy 30 million EUR in lost revenue, Trade Minister Rasim Ljajic said on Monday.

Ljajic told Prva TV that Serbian export to Kosovo was 30 million EUR lower than in the previous year, adding that no goods were sent to Kosovo from Serbia between November 21 when Pristina raised the tariffs on goods from Serbia to 100 percent and December 11 when the Ministry did its latest review.

He added, this does not include international brands which are exempt from the measures imposed by the Kosovo government.

Protest in Mitrovica North continues, hospital lacks medicaments (RTS)

Representatives of the Association for care and support to the children and adult persons with special needs “Podrzi me” held a protest on Sunday in Mitrovica North, RTS reports.

They warned that unreasonable Pristina’s measures impact the work of the association, but also position of persons with disabilities.

Mogherini critical about tariffs and transformation of KSF (RTS, Tanjug)

During the meeting of EU leaders in Brussels, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and EU High Representative Federica Mogherini talked about problems in the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue, tariffs on Serbian goods posed by Pristina's authorities and the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) and of which they said were not welcomed, learns Belgrade based news agency Tanjug in the Council.