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Lawyer will request transfer of Gavric to Mitrovica (KiM radio)

Dejan Vasic, lawyer of Slobodan Gavric, announced that he will request a transfer of his client from Pristina to the detention unit in Kosovska Mitrovica. Gavric was arrested ten days ago in Pristina on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack, when in his car was found nearly 13 kilograms of explosives. 

Lawyer Vasić told Tanjug that he visited Gavric in custody in Pristina and that his client was in very poor mental state, primarily because of speculation about him, published in the media.

More police in Serb areas of Kosovo for Christmas (Blic, Tanjug)

More police will be deployed in Serb areas in Kosovo during the Christmas holiday, it has been announced.

The Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers adhere to the Julian calendar and on Tuesday celebrate Christmas Eve.

Serbs from Kosovska Mitrovica will, as was the case in the previous years, go outside the town to cut oak branches (badnjaks) that will later be used in a Christmas ritual in front of the Church of St. Demetrius (Dimitrije).

Imports of goods in northern Kosovo only with Kosovo licenses (Blic)

The companies which to date have not submitted requests for Kosovo licenses will not be able to import goods to the north from tomorrow. This rule does not imply only to companies which import medicines and medical equipment and which were given the deadline until 31 May 2015 to regulate the Kosovo licenses.

The necessity of possessing a license Kosovo is the result of an agreement on customs between Belgrade and Pristina, which was reached in Brussels on 17 January 2013. 

The building of Civil Protection in Mitrovica stoned (KiM radio)

Unidentified persons stoned last night around 19:30 former municipal building of Mitrovica North. In that building are now the workers of Civil Protection. There were no injured persons and damage was reported on one window and two vehicles.

The mayor of the northern Kosovska Mitrovica, Goran Rakic, said that this is not an isolated case, but that the incidents are repeated almost every week. "A month and a half ago, Molotov cocktails were thrown, and one car was set on fire," said Rakic.

Rakic: To solve the problems of citizens (KiM radio)

"I want to remind Mr Bahtiri that he pledged, in Brussels in the presence of representatives of the EU and the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, that the park will not be removed, until a solution is found with which will agree citizens of both municipalities," said Rakic.

Mayor of North Mitrovica, Goran Rakic reacted to a statement of Mayor of South Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri that "Peace Park" soon would be removed, and went on saying that mayors have more important things to do than to make inflammatory statements.

Budget costs for Mitrovica North according to the plan (Blic)

Chief of the Mitrovica North Administrative Office, Adriana Hodzic, said that the budget expenditures for that municipality, for 2014, amount to four million, as it was planned. Out of the total of four million allocated for Mitrovica North, three million is distributed for salaries and wages, while just over 600,000 for capital investments.

Former building of Mitrovica Municipal Assembly stoned (Kim radio, Kontakt Plus Radio, Tanjug)

Unknown persons have stoned the building that used to house the Municipal Assembly of Kosovska Mitrovica leaving no one injured.

At the moment of the attack, which took place on Tuesday evening, only security staff was in the building that now hosts the Civil Protection Service, and as they said no material damage was caused since the stones only hit the façade or fell in front of the building.

They also underlined that they did not see the attackers, and that they assume that the stones were whirled using a slingshot.

North Mitrovica: Budget still not harmonized with the MoF (RTK2)

The draft budget of the Mitrovica North still is not in compliance with the framework set by the Ministry of Finance, because as they say, they still did not receive instructions from the competent ministry. So instead of the budget, at today’s meeting unanimously was condemned violence against all communities that are associated with the football game Serbia-Albania.