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Court expected to issue arrest warrant for Vetevendosje leader Ymeri (Kallxo)

A court in Pristina has announced it will soon issue warrant for the arrest of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri as he, along with his fellow MP Rexhep Selimi, failed to show up for the hearing in the case dating back to 2012. Ymeri and Selimi are accused of assaulting the MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Bekim Haxhiu in June of 2012 during a Kosovo Assembly session break.

Ramush Haradinaj’s burden (Koha Ditore)

Today, Adriatik Kelmendi praised the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, for participating in the meeting called by the President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, in an attempt to find a solution to the political crisis. “To reach a situation that is beneficial for all, often one must act courageously, despite the danger this may incur for one's personal position. There is no doubt that this is applicable to Ramush Haradinaj,” Kelmendi writes.

Ymeri: Protests will ultimately nullify the agreement on Association (RTKLive)

The Vetevendosje Movement leader, Visar Ymeri, said yesterday that protests will ultimately nullify the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “On 25 August Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci said that the Association empowers the state of Kosovo and is in compliance with the Constitution and laws of Kosovo. It was the petition of citizens who insisted in the annulment of this agreement.  It was the protest of the united opposition in the Assembly, in the streets and everywhere what forces the institutions to act.

Ymeri: Government has no plan for economic development (Kosova Press)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, told a press conference today that the biggest failure of the Kosovo government this year was the rejection of Kosovo’s bid to join UNESCO.  This because, according to him, of the way the process was led by Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci and his deputy Petrit Selimi.  Commenting on the government's one year performance, Ymeri said that over 100 thousand citizens have left Kosovo because of the bad governance.

Ymeri: Risk to Kosovo posed by Association not Albania (Koha)

Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri took to Facebook to say that threats to Kosovo have historically come from Serbia and not Albania. Today, according to Ymeri, the threat to Kosovo comes from the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “It is unacceptable, even frustrating, this regime’s propaganda which incites hatred amongst Albanians,” Ymeri wrote. He said the problem that Kosovo needs to discard is the Association/Community.

Opposition to the government: Stop before it’s too late (media)

The leaders of the three opposition parties, the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told reporters in Pristina today that there will be no protest until November 28. Referring to the actions of the government and police on Wednesday, AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj said: “they carried out political actions and arrested people in their homes in the most brutal way possible. We will continue with our opposition. They should stop before it’s too late”.

Ymeri: Opposition to continue to block the Assembly (Klan Kosova)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, said today that after the solemn session held in honor of the Austrian President Heinz Fischer, the opposition will continue to block the work of the Assembly on Monday. He said that the Assembly sessions will not return to normality as long as the government doesn’t withdraw the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro.

Ymeri: Opposition with the citizens will not allow the implementation of agreements (Indeksonline)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, said today that the Assembly session will not be held as long as the government doesn’t care for its citizens. According to him, the opposition along with the citizens will not allow the implementation of the recent agreements.  "The protest will continue for as long as the government doesn’t care for Kosovo citizens. Together, we will stop the agreement on Association of Serb-majority municipalities and border demarcation with Montenegro. The ruling coalition must withdraw from these agreements.

Opposition parties form joint anti-government front (media)

The Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader Fatmir Limaj, told a press conference in Pristina today that they have agreed to form a joint anti-government front. The opposition leaders said that starting from Friday they will organize a petition throughout Kosovo in opposition to the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, the agreements reached in Brussels and the border demarcation with Montenegro.

Ymeri calls on Gjilan/Gnjilan residents to oppose Association/Community (RTKLive)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, during a vitis to Gjilan/Gnjilane today called on its residents to oppose the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. According to him, the idea of creating a Serb Association/Community in Kosovo has no other purpose rather than enforcing Serbia’s impact in Kosovo.
