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Limaj: Drenas has waited for this victory for 16 years (RTK)

Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader, Fatmir Limaj, congratulated the citizens of Drenas/Glogovac following Sunday’s early elections where the party’s candidate, Isa Xhemajlaj, came in second and will face the frontrunner from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in the second round of voting. Limaj said Drenas/Glogovac has waited for 16 years for this victory. “Isa Xhemajlaj is the most preferred candidate and I am convinced he will lead Drenas,” Limaj said.

The British Embassy trusts EULEX's conclusion on Dehari case (RTK)

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo Ruairi O’Connell, said that he believes on the EULEX conclusions however he added that if there is any new evidence, then the case has to continue with investigations. “It is a tragedy under all circumstances, and under the ones that it happened, it is very serious. The investigation should have commenced in a very transparent manner and with a special caution.

AAK against establishment of the commission on demarcation (RTK)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), informed through a press release that they do not welcome the proposal of the Kosovo PM Isa Mustafa, for establishment of a commission that would assess Kosovo’s delineation of the border with Montenegro.

This party considers Mustafa’s proposal  to be an insult and adds that he is trying to legitimize his theory.

Mustafa proposes establishment of a commission on demarcation (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today during the meeting of the government that Kosovo is risking to be left without liberalization of visas in 2017, if the agreement on the demarcation of the border with Montenegro is not ratified. He proposed establishment of a commission that would assess Kosovo’s territory.

EULEX vows to advance and strengthen gender aspect in its activities (RTK)

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the head of EULEX, Alexandra Papadopoulou, confirmed EULEX’s commitment to advance and strengthen gender aspects in all of its activities, both within the Mission and in its engagement with Kosovo institutions. In a press release issued at the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, Papadopoulou also observed that a staggering amount of women in Kosovo still experience some form of physical, sexual or psychological violence in their lifetime.

Tahiri: Kosovo to get dialing prefix on 15 December (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue and chief negotiator, Edita Tahiri, said at the government’s meeting today that the recent telecommunication agreement reached in Brussels with Serbia ends the activity of illegal telephony operators in Kosovo. Tahiri said Austria has already applied on Kosovo’s behalf to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and that the dialing prefix of +383 will be granted to Kosovo on 15 December.

In Indonesia, Minister Hyseni appeals for Kosovo’s membership in Interpol (RTK)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, said at the 85th session of the Interpol General Assembly taking place in Bali, Indonesia, that Kosovo is ready to become member of Interpol. Hyseni highlighted, what he said was the high level of professional readiness of the law enforcement institutions in Kosovo and pointed out that the Kosovo Police is one of the most trained and professional police force in the Western Balkans.  Hyseni therefore said Kosovo’s membership application deserves serious consideration.


Viets: Early elections not a solution (RTK)

In an interview for Radio Kosova, German Ambassador to Kosovo, Angelika Viets, said that while it is the European Commission that decides on whether to lift visas for the people of Kosovo, in her opinion, the chances for this to happen this year are very slim. “Kosovo had several months to fulfill the visa liberalisation criteria and did not do this,” said Viets.  On the issue of Pristina-Belgrade dialogue in Brussels, Viets said that the process of talks has currently stalled and, as a consequence, agreements reached in its course are not being implemented.

Mustafa: Dialogue with Serbia has no alternative (Koha/RTK)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, said in a conference organised by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society and the Group of Legal and Political Studies on the EU integration process that the people of Kosovo view themselves as part of Europe although they are the only ones in the Balkans that cannot travel freely to Europe. He said that dialogue with Serbia on normalization of relations has no alternative and that it also contributes to peace in Europe.