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Tanaskovic: USA will support Pristina from shadow (Tanjug, Blic)

If request for Kosovo’s accession to UNESCO becomes the topic again, USA would support it from the shadow, through other states it has close ties with, said the Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO, Darko Tanaskovic, Serbian media reported.

Tanaskovic, also said that the withdrawal of USA from UNESCO in any case does not go in favour of eventual new requests from the provisional institutions in Pristina.

"It's not an unexpected decision of the United States to leave UNESCO" (RTS)

The National Co-ordinator for Cooperation with the UNESCO for Cultural Heritage Vladimir Džamić told RTS that the US decision to withdraw from UNESCO was not too surprising and that he does not expect other countries to follow their move.

Vladimir Džamić says that the US had a turbulent relationship with the UNESCO since 1974 when they protested over UNESCO's relations towards Israel, and then in 1984, when they left UNESCO, which lasted until 2001.

UN chief will work with US despite UNESCO pullout (AFP)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will continue to work with the Trump administration despite differences, a spokesman said Thursday after Washington announced it was pulling out of UNESCO.

Guterres “deeply regrets” the decision but “at the same time of course we interact with the United States very productively on a range of issues through a range of organizations and will continue to do that,” said spokesman Farhan Haq.

US withdraws from UNESCO citing anti-Israel bias (AP)

The State Department says the U.S. is pulling out of UNESCO because of what Washington sees as its anti-Israel bias and need for “fundamental reform” of the U.N. cultural agenc, reports AP.

In a statement, the State Department said it notified UNESCO director Irina Bokova on Thursday of the decision. The U.S. will seek to have a “permanent observer” status instead.


Pristina's bid not on agenda of UNESCO Executive Board (B92, RTS)

Pristina is yet to officially apply for UNESCO membership, and that is why the topic has not been included in the session of organization's Executive Board.

The session, which started on Wednesday, will determine the agenda for the General Conference that will be held in November, RTS is reporting.

Since UNESCO's plenary meetings will start as soon as on Monday, the chances of Pristina applying are minimal, Serbia's ambassador to UNESCO, Darko Tanaskovic, has confirmed.

Dačić: Hypocrites, they supported Kosovo because they wanted a weak Serbia - they will not succeed (RTS)

In the case of Kosovo was told that "unilateral moves are possible, and then you will depend on the affection of great powers" - there is no international law, this is the policy of force, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić told RTS.

Reactions of the EU and the member states to the referendum in Catalonia are unanimous - they are for the constitutional unity of Spain, as French President Emanuel Macron said. The EC spokesman points out that Kosovo and Catalonia cannot be compared, reports RTS.

“Pristina’s dirty game: They prepare offensive on UNESCO, this country should play crucial role” (Blic)

Kosovo authorities want through “back door” to push voting for the Kosovo’s accession to UNESCO, during the forthcoming General Assembly conference taking place at the end of October, Blic daily learned, while Albania would try to put the Kosovo issue on the organisation’s agenda.

Blic further reports, although some Kosovo officials said there would be no candidacy to UNESCO this year, Blic’s sources said their intentions were different.

McAllister: Brussels appreciates the constructive efforts of Serbia (Blic, B92, KIM radio)

The EP rapporteur for Serbia welcomed the initiative to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo and added that Serbia's constructive approach is highly appreciated in Brussels, KIM radio reported McAllister’s statement to the daily newspapers Blic.

"Yes, I welcome the initiative of President Aleksandar Vučić to launch a domestic dialogue on this issue," David McAllister told daily Blic.