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Jevtić: Frequent incidents are the cause of an unsuccessful return (KIM radio)

Latest incidents in Kosovo reflect the current state of society, and the relationship towards return, said Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtić.

Jevtić as a response to the theft of livestock of Kata Grujić from Petrič, robbery of Boban and Danilo Stepić's homes in the village of Drenovac, and burning of the house of Stanislav Vukić, says that all of this indicates the current situation in Kosovo, adding that this is a serious reason for the unsuccessful return in this year.

Violation of human rights in Suva Reka/Suharekë (Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtić and Mayor of Suva Reka/Suharekë Sali Asllanaj today have expressed dissatisfaction over the opposition of the municipal councillors to the return of first Serb family to the Mušutište village, saying that this is violation of basic human rights.

Kozarev informs the OSCE about the difficult position of Kosovo Serbs (Kossev)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev informed the participants of the OSCE Summit "Human dimension" about the problems that face the Serbs in Kosovo and presented numerous examples of endangering the fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms.

Inter-Ministerial Commission for the Return about the incidents in Mušutište (KIM radio)

Latest incidents in Mušutište and the return of displaced were the topics of a meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Commission for the return.

During the meeting once again the Serbian representatives in the Kosovo government, Ministers Dalibor Jevtić and Ljubomir Marić and Deputy Kosovo Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović, have concluded that the recent incidents in Mušutište are a big step backwards, not only for the return process but also for all those processes that involve the rule of law.

Serbs from Drsnik think to sell the property and leave (RTK2)

After returning to village Drsnik, the residents were faced with many problems, looting and burning of property. Those facts forced people from Drsnik to think about selling the property. Returnees Darinka and Miomir Ribać came back to the village in 2005. “People leave. They sold the property, even started to sell the houses in the village. We risked for nothing,” said Darinka Ribać.

Until 1999 in village Drsnik lived 135 Serbian families, and today in 64 returnee houses live about 20 people.


Jevtić: Soon return of the first families to Mušutište (NMagazin)

Dalibor Jevtić, Minister for Communities and Returns, announced laying of foundation stone for construction of the first houses for returnees in Mušutište for a little more than a month.

Jevtić said that the priority, after the reconstruction of the first houses, would be to renovate the monastery in Mušutište.

Jevtić urged local governments and local people to provide support and be guarantors of the survival of the Serbs, who will return.

Jevtić: The Sunny Valley is not colonization (KIM radio)

- The Sunny Valley cannot be and is not colonization, but the result of the fact that the return of displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija cannot be implemented in those areas where they want to return, such as Đakovica, for example - said the Kosovo Minister for Return and Communities, Dalibor Jevtić.

Jevtić told RTS that in the first five months of this year only 101 displaced persons have returned to Kosovo which gives the best possible reflection of the situation on the ground.

Djuric: No mechanism for return of property of IDPs (Tanjug)

In Serbia, there are 204,049 internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Kosovo-Metohija, the director of the Serbian government office for Kosovo-Metohija said on Tuesday, noting that the return of Serbs and other non-Albanians is limited by a lack of a mechanism for a return of usurped property.

Seventeen years after the conflict in Serbia's southern province, the problem of displaced persons remains, Djuric said at the third high-level regional forum on permanent solutions for displaced persons from Kosovo-Metohija.

Jevtić: The displaced have no more patience to wait to return (Kontakt plus radio)

Regional Conference for lasting solutions to the question of displaced persons within the Skopje-based initiative is being held in Belgrade. The first day of the conference, a meeting of the technical working group was held, and during the second day of a regional conference there will be a meeting at a high political level.

Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtić, attended the meeting of the technical working group which was held on the topic of planning solutions.