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Twenty years since the arrival of NATO, Pristina almost without Serbs (RTK2, Kontakt plus radio)

There was almost no return of Serbs to Pristina in the last 20 years, who mostly sold their apartments and houses, reports RTK2.

Prior to the conflict in 1999, about 40,000 Serbs lived in the city, who left the city after the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement, which had stopped the NATO bombing of Serbia and agreed the withdrawal of the Serbian army from Kosovo, creating conditions for the return of almost a million Kosovo Albanians who were expelled from Kosovo by force, manly to North Macedonia and Albania, writes RTK2.

Sustainable return of Serbs impossible in the municipality of Klina (Kontakt plus radio)

Except in the town itself, in the municipality of Klina, a number of Serbs live in the surrounding villages: Bica, Berkovo, Klinavac, Grabac, Straza, Vidanje ... However, every year there are fewer of them, some died, while others go in search of better living conditions, writes today Kontakt plus radio on its web portal.

Jevtic: We do not give up on the return of Serbs to Kosovo (RTS)

A joint session of the Government and representatives of Serbs is being held today in Belgrade, where a comprehensive package of assistance and support to municipalities with a Serb majority in Kosovo will be approved, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS). President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will meet with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo in the Palace "Serbia".

In addition to the adoption of the investment plan, measures of incentives will be harmonized for those would invest in the territory of Kosovo.

False charges hinder the return of Serbs (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported that an Albanian organization from Djakovica handed over a list to the special prosecutor of Kosovo with the names of about 200 Serbs from the area, claiming to be responsible for war crimes.

The Association of Displaced Persons from Djakovica claimed that it was yet another attempt to scare and prevent the Serbs return to Kosovo, the daily reported.

False charges hinder the return of Serbs (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported that an Albanian organization from Djakovica handed over a list to the special prosecutor of Kosovo with the names of about 200 Serbs from the area, claiming to be responsible for war crimes.

The Association of Displaced Persons from Djakovica claimed that it was yet another attempt to scare and prevent the Serbs return to Kosovo, the daily reported.

Jevtic: The displaced still have no possibilities to return (NMagazin, Kontakt plus radio)

Each year on June 20 the United Nations, United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and countless civic groups around the world host World Refugee Day events in order to draw the public's attention to the millions of refugees and Internally displaced persons worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes due to war, conflict and persecution.

Adopted regulation on the return of displaced persons (KIM radio)

The Government of Kosovo adopted, on the proposal of the Minister of Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, the Regulation on the Return of Displaced Persons, reports KIM radio.

Jevtic says that this Regulation is significant and represents an important step in a lasting and sustainable solution to the process of returning displaced persons to Kosovo.

Jevtic: We did not join the government to block it (RTK2, DW)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Dalibor Jevtic says for DW that the Serbian List has excellent cooperation with Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and that more important are everyday life issues from the issues of the status of Kosovo, reports RTK2.

The current Kosovo government has included the issue of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) in its program, and Jevtic expects that next year concrete steps will be taken.

Nataliya Apostolova: The time needed for ZSO (RTK2)

Members of the Serbian List met with the head of the EU office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova. During the meeting, they explained how they will perform in this assembly, and pointed out the key problems that Serbs from Kosovo are facing, reports RTK2.

Đurić with Tanin: ZSO should be established without delay (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić met with UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin today. They discussed the political and security situation in Kosovo and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, reported KIM radio.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić emphasized that Belgrade wants the full implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels, especially those related to the Community/Association of Serb municipalities, which, according to him, must be established without delay.