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Owner claims that the Kosovo police impounded truck in the territory of Serbia (RTV Mir, Kossev)

Kosovo police violated the agreement on the movement in the boundary zone and illegally entered the territory of Central Serbia from where they impounded a truck with goods, claims the owner of that truck, S.D. The Kosovo Police has no official comment on the statements, but the report claims that the truck was seized in Sarpelj, which belongs to the Leposavic region.

President of the New Party of Kosovo was kept at Merdare crossing (Kossev, RTV KIM, NewPress production)

A Kosovo Serb politician was kept by members of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs at the Merdare crossing for an hour, and then he was allowed to continue his journey, reports portal Kossev quoting Caglavica based portal New press production.

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Journalists' Association of Serbia: To determine who hacked the sites of the ''Slobodno Srpski'' and Media Center (Kossev)

The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS), through its Kosovo branch requests the Kosovo police and the Prosecutor’s Office to determine who is behind the attacks on the sites of ''Slobodno Srpski'' and Media Centar from Caglavica.

The sites were hacked following the Journalists’ Association of Serbia in Kosovo posthumously awarded the ''Beli Bozur '' award to Oliver Ivanovic for the best cooperation with the media and journalists.

Kossev: The opposition movement Local Front on a four-day long protest march

The members of the opposition movement Local Front (Lokalni front) from Kraljevo are walking on foot from their hometown to Belgrade to protest, where they will join tens of thousands of dissatisfied citizens, on the fact that Oliver Ivanovic’s killers and instigators remain unknown a year later.

On their four-day, 170 kilometers-long journey to Belgrade, the Local Front members have won sympathies from people across Serbia and the region.

Kossev: Sylejman Selimi hospitalized two days before the trip to the Hague, received two days off for New Year’s celebration

The former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Sylejman Selimi, who is supposed to appear before the Special Prosecutor’s Office in the Hague tomorrow, is being treated at the Clinical Hospital Center of Kosovo and can only travel to the Hague with medical escort – the director of the ORL Clinic in Pristina, Hajdin Thaci said.

The car of weekly Vreme burned near Jarinje crossing (Kossev, Vreme)

A car transporting journalist of Belgrade-based weekly Vreme and a journalist from Le Courrier des Balkans burned near the Jarinje administrative crossing, Vreme weekly stated on Saturday.

The fire erupted suddenly, and all four colleagues managed to safely leave the vehicle, which was destroyed – the statement reads.

The Movement Fatherland letter to Putin: We want to know Russia’s position on Vucic's delimitation (Kossev)

„Mr. President, whatever the attitude of the Russian Federation – we will understand it. May God keep you safe and let Russia be as big and strong as possible,“ the opposition movement ‘Otadzbina’ (Fatherland) from Kosovo wrote in a new, open letter to Vladimir Putin in connection with the proposal for the ethnic separation of Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo – for which they claim that it is represented by the Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic.

Kossev: Srpska List and Srdjan Vulovic on Slavisa Ristic: “An errand boy of Ramush Haradinaj”

While massive protests are being held in the Serbian capital against the rise of verbal and physical violence in Serbia and the policies carried out by Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, with one of the four demands of the protesters for the perpetrators and the instigators of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic to be found, the most influential Kosovo Serb party – Srpska Lista continues to sign statements in which it negatively describes those it sees as opponents of that policy.

KoSSev: ''RTK warns of an alleged staged incident risk in Serb areas blaming Serbian structures''

The Kossev portal was dealing with RTK reporting in theirs ''Roads'' show. The portal reports that ''Kosovo Public TV - Radio Television of Kosovo reported shocking allegations that a plan was hatched following a meeting of the Security Coordination Bureau held on December 15th, to carry out an incident such as the Panda cafe attack that occurred 20 years ago in Pec, when six Serbian young men were killed.''
