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Guterres commended opening of internal dialogue on Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

United Nations Secretary General (UN SG) António Guterres, said on Friday during the meeting with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, that he follows the progress of Serbia and commended the initiative to open an internal dialogue on Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

UNMIK chief calls for free municipal electoral campaign (media)

At the outset of the campaign for municipal elections in Kosovo, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Zahir Tanin, emphasises the importance of the opportunity for all people and communities to elect representatives in a democratic and transparent manner.

He calls for responsible action by all leaders and parties to ensure a campaign free of intimidation and coercion, enabling voters to freely exercise their rights.

UN ‘Must Compensate All Kosovo Lead Poison Victims’ (Balkan Insight)

The UN’s failure to compensate victims of lead poisoning at UN-run camps for people displaced by the Kosovo war left families struggling to care for sick relatives, says a Human Rights Watch report.

In a new report published on Thursday, Human Rights Watch calls on the United Nations to pay individual compensation to Kosovo Roma victims affected by lead contamination in the UN-run camps for war-displaced people in Kosovo.

Lawyer Jovanka Savić sues British KFOR (RTS, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

Lawyer Jovanka Savić tries to invoke the responsibility of the British part of KFOR, for not providing security to citizens in the period when NATO entered Kosovo. She also questions the responsibility of UNMIK and EULEX for inertia in investigating crimes against civilians, RTS reports.

UNMIK between Pristina's demands and Belgrade's wishes (Kontakt plus radio)

The last session of the United Nations Security Council revived the question of the abolition of UNMIK.

This request from Pristina was supported by the United States, Great Britain and France, while against were Serbia, Russia and China.

Turbulent session of the Security Council once again demonstrated the totally opposed views of Belgrade and Pristina and the deep division of great powers in relation to the issue of Kosovo.

Kosovo needs solution, not models (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today that although all proposals for resolving the Kosovo issues are welcome, one should bear in mind that a solution is needed and not ideas, such as the "Cyprus model", which practically would mean maintaining a "frozen conflict".

Commenting on proposals to reduce, and then abolishment of UN mission in Kosovo, he pointed out that Serbia believes in the objectivity and status neutrality of the world organization.

Rakić: Reducing the UNMIK mission would be very harmful to Serbs in Kosovo (Blic)

The President of the Serb List Goran Rakić says that UNMIK is irreplaceable as an impartial arbiter of human rights in Kosovo, and that any further reduction or devaluation of that mission would go directly to the detriment of the Serbian people and all non-Albanian communities in the province.

- UNMIK is here and as a permanent reminder that Resolution 1244 is a politically alive document, which Kosovo and Metohija views as part of Serbia - said Rakić to Tanjug.