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Odalovic: We have no information about new graves (RTK2)

President of the Commission for Missing Persons in the Serbian Government Veljko Odalović said that in order to continue clarifying the fate of missing persons in Kosovo, information about the new mass graves are required. "I hope that this year we will finally receive information about Kosare. We also request new search of Livočko Lake and Zilivode. However, these are our information. We did not receive information from the other side and I hope that Kosovo society will start to cooperate," said Odalović in the talk show Razgovor.

Victims' families notified about identification results (Tanjug)

Representatives of the Department for Forensic Medicine informed the families of 28 victims whose remains were discovered in the mass grave in Rudnica near Raska about the identification results and presented them with relevant documents.

The remains of 28 victims will be buried in the village of Rezala on April 5, municipality of Srbica in Kosovo, EULEX released on Thursday.

Reconstruction of the murder of Zymberi: ROSU, EULEX and others in Zupce (Kossev)

"Kosovo Police unit ROSU, together with EULEX and other representatives of law enforcement structures, will today visit the place where in 2011 was killed a police officer Enver Zymberi, in Zupce village, municipality Zubin Potok. According to the writings of portal Gazeta Fjala the purpose of the visit is to reconstruct the killing of this ROSU member. Kosovo Prosecution Office confirmed information about tomorrow's event to the journalist of this portal.

EULEX is not in Kosovo to deal with its own issues (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore’s Brussels based correspondent writes in his opinion piece today about the initial expectations of Kosovo population regarding the establishment of the EULEX mission in Kosovo. “Kosovo people loved their independence, they did not believe that the structures of their state would be able or that they would have the political will to fight the organized crime and corruption up to the most senior level…Therefore, except for Vetevendosje, no one opposed the EULEX mission.


Rule of law institutions to coordinate actions against corruption (Koha)

Representatives of rule of law institutions held a joint meeting on Monday in order to coordinate actions to be taken in combating corruption. The meeting was attended by Acting Head State Prosecutor Syle Hoxha, head of the Kosovo Judicial Council Enver Peci, director of the Kosovo Police, Shpend Maxhuni, representatives of the Supreme Court and EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) judges and prosecutors.

Meucci, seek the blame for failure in your own backyard (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore editor-in-chief Agron Bajrami writes in a reaction claims that in a meeting with representatives of Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), head of EULEX Gabriele Meucci and EU Special Representative Samuel Zbogar, chose no words to discredit Koha Ditore by saying it has not reported the truth and wants to destroy EULEX mission. Bajrami says the paper does not want the destruction and departure of EULEX.

Serbs and Albanians together are seeking missing persons (RTK2, Beta)

Association of missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija and the Association of missing Albanians have agreed with the families to seek together all disappeared.

This was after the meeting, "Non-governmental associations for Missing Persons - Example of best practice and cooperation between communities", in Pristina, said the coordinator of the Association for missing persons in Kosovo, Milorad Trifunovic.

Trifunovic told BETA that the policy remains the major obstacle to resolving the fate of missing Serbs and Albanians.