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EP demands Kosovo to fight corruption and create the Special Tribunal (IBNA)

European Parliament (EP) has approved on Wednesday a resolution on the progress of Kosovo proposed by MEP Ulrike Lunacek.

For the sixth time in a row, the European Parliament called on the European Union to exert its influence upon the five member countries which have not yet recognized the independence of Kosovo.

The resolution states that the recognition of Kosovo would further normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia and it would bring Kosovo further to the EU.

Fatmir Limaj: I will not remain silent regarding the judicial conspiracy against me (Gazeta Blic)

Fatmir Limaj, the leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told RTV 21 that he would not remain silent regarding the scandal of judicial conspiracy against him, related to “Klecka” case. He said that he will act according to the advice of his lawyer and added that he cannot understand why President Jahjaga remained silent regarding this scandal. “In essence, we have violation of the rights, for which the President of the Republic of Kosovo is the guarantee, defender of the constitution in this country,” LImaj said.

CPHRF urges investigation on so-called Limaj scandal (Koha)

The Council for Protection of Human Rights and Freedom (CPHRF) expressed its concern regarding the allegations published by media that Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and European Union officials interfered in the judiciary on the so-called Klecka case.  “CPHRF asks for urgent investigation to verify the accuracy or elimination of these allegations because this is not the first case where there is information on political interference in judicial processes,” states the press release.

Ivanovic: Credibility of EULEX undermined due to fake indictment (KIM Radio)

The leader of Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic stated today that he is of opinion that credibility of EULEX is seriously undermined due to the indictment raised against him, which he described as fake and politically motivated one.

In a written statement to ‘Kontakt Plus Radio’ Ivanovic assessed that process against him is political one and that he is disappointed that decision on his detention is not replaced with a less strict measure.

Vukcevic: No evidence against Stojanovic (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic speaks to ‘Novosti’ about the investigation against the former director of the Military-Security Agency and accusations against the Chief of the General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces.

Our prosecution also deals with the crime in Meje near Djakovica/Gjakovë, and we have some findings and possible perpetrators. Momir Stojanovic has not appeared so far as potential perpetrator of war crimes and I don’t know what kind of evidence a colleague from EULEX has.

The indictments directed against return (KIM Radio)

The Association of Displaced people from Đakovica/ Gjakove announced that the indictments against Serbs from that city should serve to hamper the return of Serbs to that city. “All persons who are on the indictments, announced by the Municipal Court in Djakovica/Gjakova, on the basis of which the EULEX issued warrants, are on the list to return to Djakovica, which was submitted to UNMIK, OSCE and other international organizations. On the indictments are persons who didn’t sell their property hoping to return to their birthplace.

EULEX chief: 20 suspects in war crimes case (Vecernje Novosti, Blic, B92)

Gabriele Meucci says that so far about 20 suspects have been identified who may be subject to an indictment for war crimes committed in 1999 in Gjakova/Djakovica.

The head of the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, told the Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily that he did not wish to reveal their names. The newspaper, however, noted that it has already been disclosed that former Military Security Agency (VBA) chief General Momir Stojanovic was on the list.

General Momir Stojanovic will not be tried in Djakovica/Gjakove (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia is not recognizing the court in Djakovica/Gjakove, but in case UNMIK request it, Serbia could question General Momir Stojanovic, who is accused of alleged crimes in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999. There is also an option that the former chief of VBA (Military Security Agency) could be questioned in Belgrade by the EULEX prosecutors, if the EU mission will be interested for it. But Serbian state bodies certainly will not send Stojanovic to Djakovica/Gjakove. 

Detention extended to Oliver Ivanovic for another two months (KoSSev)

Detention to Oliver Ivanovic was extended yesterday for another two months, communicated Ivanovic’s party CI SDP ‘Oliver Ivanovic’ on its official Facebook and Twitter accounts commenting it as ‘shameful’.

Ivanovic is in detention as of 27 January 2014. His detention has been extended despite none of ten witnesses of the prosecution, who were questioned so far, could not bring him in connection with the events which took place on 14 April 1999, when four Albanians were killed in Kosovska Mitrovica.

How Interpol is working in Kosovo (Politika)

The warrant was issued for Stojanovic at the request of the UNMIK mission in Kosovo. Interpol office in Kosovo operates within UNMIK.

UNMIK is the only authorized mission that has the ability to, through international cooperation, claim people and exchange information with the countries and organizations that do not recognize Kosovo as an independent state. In this context, UNMIK has the role of intermediary that forwards requests for warrants from EULEX mission, but also from the Kosovo Police.