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Kozarev: To provide conditions for return of displaced (Tanjug, Novosti)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Deputy Director, Dusan Kozarev said that conditions for sustainable return of internally displaced persons from Kosovo over the last two decades were very bad, Serbian media reported.

Kozarev made these remarks on Friday, at the meeting of “Skopje Initiative” in Podgorica, supported by the UNHCR and OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

To establish commission to investigate murdered and missing journalists (UNS, KIM Radio, RTV Puls)

“It is necessary to establish a commission that would deal with investigations of missing and murdered journalists in Kosovo, the President of the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo, Budimir Nicic said at the roundtable on the freedom of the media and safety of journalists, RTV Puls reported.

Nicic reminded participants of the roundtable, organized in Pristina yesterday that Serbia and Montenegro have established such commissions and they yield results, while certain court proceedings were launched thanks to that results.

Beating of Kosovo journalist was attack on media freedom: OSCE (Reuters)

PRISTINA (Reuters) - An international watchdog has condemned the beating of a Kosovo journalist known for his reports on corruption, calling it "an attack against freedom of media".

Parim Olluri, whose news website Insajderi has become one of the leading online media reporting allegations of corruption among Kosovo's top officials, was beaten by unknown assailants late on Wednesday as he was going home with his fiancée.

Justice Ministry presents new strategy for prevention of domestic violence (Koha)

Kosovo’s Deputy Justice Minister, Munir Basha, presented at a roundtable in Gjakova/Djakovica a new action plan and strategy for prevention of domestic violence in Kosovo covering the 2016-2020 period. Basha said the new document is largely based on results and recommendations from the previous programme and the professional work of all stakeholders in this process. He said the strategy aims not only to strengthen existing mechanisms for prevention of domestic violence but also establishment of new ones.

Braathu: Voting without problem (TV Most)

Head of OSCE mission in Kosovo Ambassador Jan Braathu said that the voting at the early parliamentary elections in Kosovo was taking place in a regular manner, and he expressed hope that until the end of the day, the situation throughout Kosovo would remain calm and problem-free.

Braathu visited today the polling centre at “Sveti Sava” school in Mitrovica North.

OSCE conference discusses challenges of online media in Kosovo (Kosovapress)

The OSCE organised a conference on the state of online media in Kosovo where panelists identified misleading news and hate speech as being the main challenges, Kosovapress reported.

Xhevahire Izmaku, chair of the assembly commission on media, said there are hundreds of online media in Kosovo whose ownership and funding are unknown. She also said that hate speech and misleading news are some of the challenges facing the online media.

Vučić: Are you threatening us again! (Sputnik)

Aleksandar Vučić, prime minister and elected president of Serbia, told Sputnik, on the occasion of yesterday's statement by the former head of the Verification Mission of the OSCE in Kosovo, William Walker that he has the project for "the unification of Albanians in Albania, Kosovo and in the Diaspora", the whole world has evidence on a silver platter about William Walker as lobbyist of the Greater Albania and that he as the head of the OSCE in Kosovo had advocated for the realization of this project.

Braathu: Dialogue, part of the regional stabilization process (Klan Kosova)

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jan Braathu, said that the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade which is being held in Brussels is part of the regional stabilization process. Therefore, he said, it is communication which resolves the daily problems of the citizens is necessary.

Braathu assessed the statements for unification of Albanians as a message to the European Union and added that is required to accelerate the process of integration in the union’s zone.

Baarthu said that the Brussels dialogue is much more discussions between Pristina and Belgrade.

Ballots from Kosovo arrived to Vranje and Raška (N1)

Votes from Kosovo arrived to Vranje and Raška this morning around 1.30, RTS reported.

As previously announced by the OSCE in Kosovo, there were no security conditions for the counting of votes at polling stations, so they have transported ballots to Vranje and Raška following the Instructions on the implementation of the presidential elections within that territory.