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Thaci: If Kosovo fails to establish special court, UN will do it (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, said on Friday that the future of Kosovo will be unclear if it doesn't establish the special court which will address war crimes allegations.  "The alternative is the establishment of the special court by the United Nations,” Thaci said. According to him, only Kosovo enemies would want to see the failure to establish special court.  "The alternative is too painful and completely outside the authority and laws of Kosovo," he added.

Recognize reality, and Kosovo (Slovak Spektator)

Global powers intervene in attempt to quell the bloodshed and implement an imperfect ceasefire stalemate. Eventually, events on the ground overtake the status quo and a new country unilaterally declares independence. A majority of United Nations members, but not all, recognise the independence of this new country – while others persist in denying the new reality for years.

Ambassadors threaten with UN if special court is not established (Telegrafi)

Ambassadors of the US, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, and the EU special representative reiterated today in Prizren that if Kosovo authorities fail to establish the special court, this competency will then be transferred to the United Nations. They added that the special court will benefit Kosovo and its future.

Vukcevic: No evidence against Stojanovic (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic speaks to ‘Novosti’ about the investigation against the former director of the Military-Security Agency and accusations against the Chief of the General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces.

Our prosecution also deals with the crime in Meje near Djakovica/Gjakovë, and we have some findings and possible perpetrators. Momir Stojanovic has not appeared so far as potential perpetrator of war crimes and I don’t know what kind of evidence a colleague from EULEX has.

"OSCE and Serbia" receive support at UN - FM (B92)

Ivica Dacic says he is satisfied with a briefing at the UN Security Council on Tuesday, considering that "both the OSCE and Serbia received support."

"I am satisfied, because this is an indication that the OSCE, and Serbia as the presiding country, have the right approach and have realized the role to be an objective and honest broker in the fulfillment of what constitutes an agreement," Dacic, Serbia's foreign minister and OSCE chairperson was quoted as saying, and adding: "

Ban, Dacic agree on need for peaceful solution in Ukraine (Tanjug, RTS,IRS)

BELGRADE - Cooperation between the OSCE and the UN, situation in Ukraine and the OSCE's role in solving that crisis were the topics of a meeting between OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The meeting, also attended by OSCE Secretary General Lambero Zannier, was held ahead of a briefing Dacic is scheduled to hold before the UN Security Council concerning cooperation between the UN and the OSCE, the Serbian Foreign Ministry has stated.

Lawsuit for Serbia, Thaci’s “depressing rhetoric” (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports that statement of Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, that Kosovo will file a lawsuit against Serbia for war reparations, was considered as delayed, depressing and hardly feasible. For 15 years, Kosovo has not undertaken a single step that would put Serbia in front of justice for the crimes committed and for the material damages in Kosovo.