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Nishani: Kosovo, factor of stability in the region (Koha)

President of Albania, Bujar Nishani, said in his address at the UN General Assembly that Kosovo has become an important factor of stability and peace in the region and that Albania fully supports overall development of Kosovo, its stability and territorial integrity in its present borders.

“The independent state of Kosovo, the youngest state in the region, in less than six years has managed through transformative development agenda to gain wide international recognition and successfully integrate in regional and international organisations”, said Nishani.

Dacic: Serbia supports anti-terrorism cooperation (Tanjug)

NEW YORK - Serbia welcomes the adoption of the resolution on foreign fighters and it is ready to step up the cooperation with all countries in the region and the wider community in the fight against terrorism, Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said in New York on Wednesday.

Dacic attended a meeting of the UN Security Council chaired by U.S. President Barack Obama.

Nikolic confers with Ban Ki-moon (Tanjug, Beta,Blic,B92,Akter,Press)

NEW YORK - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session in New York on Wednesday.

According to the readout of the meeting, Ban and Nikolic exchanged views on Serbia's EU integration process, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the cooperation between the United Nations and Serbia, including Serbia's role in UN-mandated peacekeeping missions, as well as the country's upcoming OSCE Chairmanship.

Tahiri: We are waiting for a reply from the UN about the petition (RTK)

A working group in Pristina that organized a petition seeking international justice for women raped during the war in Kosovo is waiting for a reply from the United Nations headquarters in New York, before they can submit the petition. Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri, who leads the working group, said the UN needs to prepare a report on what happened with the raping of women during the Kosovo conflict and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice.


Hoxhaj at the UN General Assembly session as well (Koha online)

Except for the  President of Kosovo,  Atifete Jahjaga, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj will also participate at the United Nations General Assembly, which is to be held at the end of September. According to Bashmir Xhemaj, adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 20 bilateral meetings with the countries that have not recognized Kosovo, are already confirmed. “Preparation of the agenda is going on,” he said.

How long will last the formula "Both the EU and Russia"(Politika)

Serbian formula "Both the EU and Russia", by which Belgrade answered to the Ukrainian crisis, so far, has proved as a very good policy, but, according to analysts, it is unlikely that Serbia will be able to keep this position forever. One of the reasons for this opinion is that these days Brussels announced a new, third round of sanctions against Moscow. This means that the Ukrainian crisis enters a new phase, in which the dispute between Russia on one side and Brussels and Washington on the other will be more severe than so far.

Dacic to head Serbian delegation to UNSC meeting (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic will head a Serbian delegation to a UN Security Council meeting on Kosovo scheduled for Friday, August 29, according to the Tuesday edition of Belgrade-based daily Novosti.

Dacic will travel to New York from Berlin, where he and Prime Minister Vucic will participate in a conference on the Western Balkans hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the day before.

Nikolic: We would lose friends by taking sides (B92, Tanjug)

 Tomislav Nikolić says he wishes to see an end to hostilities in Ukraine, "not only because of Serbia's specific position - but for the sake of people there."

 "If they reach an agreement, it will be for the good of the people. If not, then it will be bad for the people, people in eastern Ukraine will suffer, it's obvious. I had a chance how people suffer on the example of the former Yugoslavia and what it's like when big (powers) get involved and start deciding alone on someone's fate."