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Ban Ki-moon criticizes the political blockade in Kosovo (gazetablic)

The report of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, for the period 16 June to 15 October 2014, published today on the UN internet page, stresses that “the main political developments are related to the failure to establish the new Parliament of Kosovo, after the general elections of 8 June 2014.”

Ban also stresses that he is “especially concerned about the prolonged political blockade in Pristina and its negative impact in the progress reached so far on strengthening the democratic institutions and processes in Kosovo.”

The United Nations recognized the independence of the IOC and sports (Politika)

The "historic resolution" besides autonomy of the International Olympic Committee recognized the right of management of the Olympic Movement. The IOC to decide 8th and 9th December about full-fledged membership of the Olympic Committee of Kosovo.

The International Olympic Committee announced that at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly a "historic resolution" was adopted, whereby the autonomy of the International Olympic Committee and sports was recognized.

Not known if UN will support petition for raped women (dailies)

The United Nations has not given any sign of significant support to the initiative which seeks justice for women raped in Kosovo during the conflict. The petition, which collected 120,000 signatures in July, requests the UN to draft a report and establish a tribunal which would prosecute these crimes. The initiator of this petition, Edita Tahiri, has not said when this petition will be sent as an official request to the UN. Additional details were not given by the Office of the Spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Invasion of Pristina onto the Council of Europe (Vecernje Novosti)

Kosovo's conditional admission to the International Olympic Committee only intensified Pristina’s appetites, whose power, though in a semi-technical mandate, do not waste time and daily is lobbying to raise the ramp in a number of international organizations.

As for Novosti said Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Serbia will be against membership of Pristina in all organizations, in which it is possible, if it is not in accordance with the Brussels Treaty:

- Wherever Kosovo is marked with an asterisk, their presence is not disputed.

Reception held for participants of UN missions conference (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has hosted a reception for the participants of a regional conference on involvement of Western Balkan states in United Nations peacekeeping missions.

Serbia will make a full contribution to the role of the United Nations in preserving peace in the world, Dacic said late Monday.

"We cannot influence the creation of global policies, but we can make a contribution to preserving security and peace in the world through peacekeeping missions," Dacic said.

Serbia stands ready to boost its UN peacekeeping role (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said during a meeting with United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Herve Ladsous in Belgrade on Monday that Serbia stood ready to increase its contributions to UN peacekeeping operations.

Nikolic stressed the importance of UN peacekeeping forces and their contribution to the preservation of stability in the world, especially in Southeastern Europe.

UN: Serbia regional leader in peacekeeping operations (Vesti online)

During the meeting with Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic, Head of the UN office in Belgrade, Peter Due, said that Serbia has become the regional leader in the active participation of the military in peacekeeping operations.

In the statement of the Ministry of Defence was said that the Minister Gašić and Head of the UN Office in Belgrade, spoke about the participation of the Serbian Army in multinational operations and the forthcoming regional meeting of countries whose forces are already in UN operations.