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"We've been redrawing borders too - think of Kosovo" (B92, Sputnik)

French presidential candidate Francois Fillon mentioned the issue of Kosovo when he spoke about Crimea joining Russia.

“We have changed borders ourselves. Kosovo, for example. We think that because we are westerners everything is allowed to us - we can enter Iraq, we can bring order to any corner of the world... There is a fundamental principle of the right of people to decide for themselves. There are borders that have been established in a way, unacceptable for people,” Fillon said.

New evidence against Ramush Haradinaj (Blic)

Serbian investigators in the supplement to the investigation of war crimes charged Ramush Haradinaj for another 13 victims, including children, Blic reports.

Although he was tried in The Hague for a period in 1998, the majority of the witnesses, according to the assessment of the Court and the Prosecutor's Office, was intimidated and did not testify. Many witnesses were killed.

"New evidence against Haradinaj, indictment expanded" (Serbian media)

The Serbian War Crimes Prosecution has decided to expand the indictment against former KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") leader Ramush Haradinaj.

The decision was made because the Prosecution has new evidence, N1 broadcaster has reported.

The evidence concerns Haradninaj's responsibility for war crimes committed in Kosovo that were not previously considered by the Hague Tribunal, and represent an addition to the evidence already submitted to France.

French ambassador: There would be no detention had Haradinaj informed us of his travel (Klan Kosova)

France’s ambassador to Kosovo, Didier Chabert, told Klan Kosova said that the detention of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj could have been avoided had he informed the French Embassy that he was planning to travel to France. Chabert said the detention was part of a regular procedure being that Haradinaj was on Interpol’s list of wanted people. He also said that French authorities have been informed of the “sensitivity” of the case but the court needs to be base its decision on legal arguments.


French Ambassador: Where are you heading with this corruption (Gazeta Express)

The French Ambassador to Kosovo, Maryse  Daviet, appealed for the continuation of the discussions with Serbia, and stressed that they are beneficial for the future of Kosovo. She once again stressed the support of France in Kosovo’s journey towards European integration. Daviet made these statements during a lecture held in front of the students of AAB College.

Moro: Opening of Chapter 35 is an important thing for Serbia (Blic)

French Ambassador to Belgrade Christine Moro said that the evaluation of EU member states on achieved results was crucial for the opening of Chapter 35. “Progress achieved in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina led to the opening of Chapter 35. However, there is still a lot of work because the agreements reached in Brussels are not completely implemented on the ground. It is therefore too early to say when this chapter will be closed and how long it will last,” said Moro.


World must protect the Serbian heritage in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

In an interview given to daily Novosti, former minister in French government and candidate for the president of the Paris region, Valerie Pecresse said: “We will accept representatives of the Serbian religious community, so they could inform us about their experiences related to the dramatic situation in Kosovo. We must find the way to protect the exceptional Serbian orthodox heritage. We have responsibility to help the communities that are endangered. That should be the universal role of France in the world.

Ambassador Moro: No new conditions for Serbia (Blic, Politika, Tanjug)

The French Ambassador to Serbia Christine Moro said that Chapter 35 does not have anything that was not included in the Brussels agreement, and that they want Belgrade and Pristina to normalise relations.

Moro said that it would be good now to open Chapter 35 as it would prove that the dialogue has produced results and that Serbia was making progress in the accession talks.

The National Front for the termination of Serbia’s accession talks (Danas)

The deputies of the French National Front led by Marine Le Pen, through its newly formed parliamentary group in the European Parliament, submitted a draft resolution on the suspension of negotiations on Serbia's membership in the EU, learned Danas in Brussels. They pointed out that reason for this resolution is their worry that Serbia "will face the same destiny as France." The signatories of this document are MPs Steeve Briois, Dominique Bilde, Sophie Montel, Mireille D'Ornano, Aymeric Chauprade.