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Novosti: EU lost credibility, Russia and China bring back Kosovo to East River (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today that since the EU has lost credibility as a mediator in Belgrade-Pristina talks, chances are growing for Kosovo to get back to the UN. Moscow and Beijing could negotiate about that with Washington in the coming days.

Serbian Chamber of Commerce wrote to EU over Pristina’s taxes (BETA, KoSSev)

Serbian Chamber of Commerce announced it has sent a letter to the highest officials of European Union, European Commission, European Parliament and European Council, calling on them to influence Pristina authorities and help in revoking decision on introduction of 100 percent taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, BETA news agency reports.

Ljajic: EU has chance to tell Pristina to revoke tariff on December 17 (TV Pink, Beta, N1)

Serbia’s Trade Minister said on Wednesday the European Union will have a last chance to explicitly call on Pristina to withdraw its decision on tariffs on December 17, during a meeting of the Standing Committee on Kosovo’s accession, the Beta news agency reported.

Rasim Ljajic told the Belgrade-based Pink television that “there were enough of appeals. Only the EU has mechanisms not just to pressure Pristina but to threaten it with the suspension of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and other documents.”

Joint letter of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to EU member states (RTS)

Serbian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic met in Belgrade with Bosnian Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic, RTS reports.

The two officials discussed situation created in the aftermath of Pristina’s discriminatory decision to impose taxes on the goods from Serbia and B&H. They agreed that this measure practically stopped trade of the two countries with Pristina.

Blic: Why USA rushes to cut Kosovo knot? (Blic)

Belgrade-based daily Blic writes today that the USA is in a hurry to resolve the Kosovo issue, since any prolongation could place the problem in the hands of Russia, that would have much greater influence over the European Commission after its forthcoming elections.

That is why Trump’s administration is exercising pressure upon Albanians to continue dialogue with Belgrade as soon as possible. US State Secretary Mike Pompeo told Kosovo President Hashim Thaci recently to seize the chance for reaching a historic, comprehensive agreement on normalization of relations with Serbia.

Stefanovic blames EU over unresolved case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder (BETA, B92)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic said that due to “bad treatment” by EULEX, respectively the EU, the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder has not been resolved yet, BETA news agency reported.

“I do not expect much from Pristina institutions, but I expect from EULEX not to treat this case with negligence, because we do not have this case solved due to bad treatment by the EU.”

He also asked where is EULEX in the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, where are the people from the EU, where is special police, Serbian media reported.

EU foreign policy chief and WB PMs to meet in December? (Tanjug, B92)

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini plans to hold a meeting with prime ministers of W. Balkans in the second half of December. Tanjug said on Wednesday it learned this unofficially.

Mogherini plans to organize a meeting of prime ministers of the Western Balkans six before the holiday break in Brussels, just as last year and according to Tanjug it could be a working lunch on December 19.

"Only EU and US can make Haradinaj see reason" (Tanjug, B92)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Veljko Odalovic says that Serbia will not leave its people in Kosovo and Metohija. Odalovic also added that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj "can only be made to see reason by the EU and the US."

Odalovic told RTS that it is "most important that Brussels should be the one to explain to Pristina that things they are doing can cause serious problems."

Kocijancic calls for lifting taxes, restraint from provocations (Tanjug, RTS)

EU Spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic said today that stance of Brussels regarding increased Kosovo taxes for the goods from central Serbia “is clear and consistent.” The EU “clearly expects” Pristina to revoke the measures and “both sides” to show restraint from provocations, Tanjug news agency reported.