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German analyst: Border change bears unforeseeable effect (N1, Kossev)

There will not be border corrections or the territory swap between Kosovo and Serbia because that would leave the unforeseen consequences, Bodo Weber, a German analyst, has said, the KoSSev website reported.

Weber, an expert on the Balkans – European Union relations, also said late on Monday that both Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic and his Kosovo’s counterpart Hashim Thaci realised that there was a significant resistance within the EU, especially from Germany, to any border changes.

Dacic: Political solution for Kosovo is national priority (RTS, Tanjug)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic stated in New York that reaching a political solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue is Serbian national priority, RTS reports today.

“By defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia defends the international law, UN Charter, preservation of international peace and security, but also its national and historic identity, Dacic said in a Peace Summit, organized in honour of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, prior to the 73 session of the United Nations General Assembly.

America torn the EU calendar (Vecernje Novosti)

Today's edition of Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti writes that there is less chance of fulfilling the Brussels plan to end the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina before the beginning of 2019, the article adds that Serbia does not adhere to a dictated solution and that the discussion about demarcation is not a taboo topic any more.

"Vucic has been told he can drag out Kosovo solution" (Tanjug, Blic, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

It seems that a solution to the Kosovo issue will not be found either in 2018 or in early 2019, "despite the wishes of the international community." Belgrade-based press is saying this in articles published on Tuesday.

Daily Blic said it learned from diplomatic sources that "pressure from western countries to solve the open issue between Serbia and Kosovo is slowly waning."

Vucic: If I would say that, UN SC would have four sessions (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that once more double standards and hypocrisy were shown because no one is reacting to statements coming from Pristina, B92 reports.

Commenting on Haradinaj’s statement who said earlier, there would be no border between Kosovo and Albania, and if there would be a change of borders “military boots” will be needed again, Vucic said if he had said something like that “the UN Security Council would have four sessions until now.”

Hahn: Agreement to be specific and harmonized, and not precedent (BETA, TV N1)

EU Enlargement Negotiations Commissioner, Johannes Hahn said that Belgrade-Pristina agreement must be specific and harmonized, and not a precedent, as well as in line with international law, BETA news agency reported.

“Stance of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, as a mediator in these negotiations, is clear and it has been clear since the beginning of her mandate – joint action for lasting peace between Serbia and Kosovo, and in the region as a whole, is the main EU’s priority,” Hahn told Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda.

Fabrizi: We do not deal with each and every statement (B92)

Head of EU Delegation in Serbia, Sem Fabrizi said the EU would not deal with each and every statement when it comes to Kosovo and Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, B92 reports today.

“Ours is to provide peace and full normalization of relations,” Fabrizi added.

Asked to comment on how much statements of Pristina can be considered as dangerous, Fabrizi responded he does not want to comment on that because he does not deal with individual statements.

Serbia initials agreement on Frontex with EU (Tanjug, B92)

EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos and Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic have initialed the agreement on Frontex.

This agreement refers to the activities carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in Serbia.

Avramopulos said that this would enable Frontex to, in cooperation with the Serbian Ministry of Interior, conduct border checks of migrants, thereby increasing the security of EU's external borders.

Vulin calls EU to speak out about Veseli's calls for war and conflict (Blic, N1, Politika, Mondo, Nezavisne Novine)

The Serbian Ministry of Defense announced yesterday that Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin assessed that ''Pristina’s politician Kadri Veseli's statement that Nis belongs historically to self-proclaimed Kosovo, and that he will conquer it, represented a call for war and new conflicts'', and urged the EU to declare on that occasion, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.