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Vucic: I'm happy that Bozovic joined the Serbian List, we need unity (FoNet, N1, TV Prva)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Belgrade based TV Prva that he was extremely happy that Ksenija Bozovic (CI SDP) had decided to join the Serbian List.

"I am very happy because of Ksenija Bozovic and others who have joined the Serbian List and the most important is the unity which opposes the attempts of Albanians and part of the international community and those who support the destruction of that unity," Vucic emphasized.

Moscow will insist on Resolution 1244 regarding Kosovo, says Botsan-Kharchenko (FoNet, Sputnik, N1)

The Russian ambassador to Serbia Alexandar Botsan – Kharchenko said on Wednesday that if his country was involved in solving the Kosovo issue, Moscow would insist on international law and still valid UN Security Council Resolution 1244 “or everything else would be in vain,” the FoNet news agency reported.

He told the Russian Sputnik media outlet that he did not see a favourable international situation for solving the Kosovo issue right now, "especially since the US and some other countries want a quick result."

Palmer is old acquaintance, but it won’t be easy for him, FM Dacic says (FoNet, N1)

Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s Foreign Minister, said on Tuesday the chance for resumption of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalisation of relations appeared, but not before new Kosovo’s Government was formed after October 6 election, the FoNet news agency reported.

Speaking after meeting Matthew Palmer in Bled, Slovenia, at the sidelines of the Western Balkan leaders' strategic forum, Dacic said the American was “an old acquaintance, but that it won’t be easy for him.

Tadic: ''I fear the opposition serve to the international community only to legitimise the Kosovo’s independence'' (FoNet, N1)

Boris Tadic, Serbia’s former President, said on Thursday he favoured the election boycott for now, but added that all aspects of the decision should be taken in account, the FoNet agency reported.

Tadic, who was former head of state, from 2004 to 2012, and now is the leader of the opposition Social-Democratic Party (SDS), said the mobilisation for the boycott demanded “higher level of organisation (within the opposition) than during election campaigns.”

NATO: Scientists say no health risks from depleted uranium used in 1999 bombing (FoNet, N1, BBC)

NATO deputy spokesperson and the head of Press and Media Piers Cazalet told BBC in Serbian on Thursday there was no health risk from depleted uranium used in the Alliance’s bombing of former Yugoslavia during the 1998-1999 was in Kosovo.

Serbia’s media reported that the German soldiers who took part in NATO missions in the Balkans demanded compensation for their exposure to depleted uranium.

Serbian ambassador says US does not see Kosovo as closed issue (RTS, FoNet, N1)

Serbian Ambassador in Moscow Miroslav Lazanski told Serbian public broadcaster RTS on Tuesday that Washington does not consider the Kosovo issue closed.

He says that today's meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and US State Secretary Mike Pompeo shows that Washington insist on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to continue.

Trajkovic to FoNet: Taking out Kosovo from the preamble is the reason for the dialogue between the authorities and the opposition (KoSSev, Dnevnik)

The president of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic told Belgrade news agency FoNet that the "sole reason" for initiating a dialogue between the authorities and the opposition in Serbia was an attempt to hold and the opposition partially responsible in case Kosovo was taken out from the preamble to the Serbian Constitution.

Wilson: Delivery of Russian arms to Serbia is irresponsible (N1, FoNet, VoA)

Atlantic Council official Damon Wilson told Voice of America that the delivery of Russian armored vehicles to Serbia is harmful and irresponsible.

A country that is on its way to the European Union should not accept weapons from Moscow, the Atlantic Council Executive Vice President said, adding that the supply of Russian arms to Serbia is an attempt to obstruct the normalization of the situation in the region.

US Ambassador: The US will not lead the Belgrade-Pristina process (FoNet, N1)

The US Government will not lead the normalisation process between the official Belgrade and Pristina, that is the European Union's (EU) job, but we will be there to help as much as possible,” US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said in an interview with FoNet.

EU’s Hahn: Political compromise in Western Balkans must be rewarded (N1, FoNet)

Political agreement in the Western Balkans should be rewarded, the European Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn said on Monday and called on the bloc’s foreign ministers to start accession talks with North Macedonia, the FoNet news agency reported.

Hahn added the move would be an essential signal to the whole region.