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Serbian military brass warns against "any coup attempts" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbia's top military officials met on Tuesday in Belgrade for a session of the Collegium of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff.

According to announcements before the meeting, they discussed security situation in the country and its surroundings.

The Serbian Army will not allow any attempts at a coup and warns that anyone announcing and demanding a coup should be held responsible in line with the law, a statement issued after the meeting said.

Three Serb generals: Why does Pristina want our head (B92, Sputnik)

Of the 11 indictments taken over by Kosovo courts from EULEX, three are against retired generals: Bozidar Delic, Ljubisa Dikovic, and Momir Stojanovic.

Kosovo courts have taken over war crimes cases from EULEX, and apart from the crimes committed by the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") against Serbs, they will also deal with crimes against the Albanians that the Serbs are suspected of committing.

Vucic: I assure Europe - Serbia is completely stable (B92, Tanjug, La Republicca)

The president of Serbia has told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that Serbia was absolutely stable.

Aleksandar Vucic was responding when asked "whether stability was threatened in the aftermath of the weekend conflict (during oppposition protests)."

He added that violent perpetrators do not represent Serbia.

Children born in Serbia after NATO bombing prone to cancer, the commission says (Beta, B92)

"Children born (in Serbia) between 1999 and 2015 have been exposed to a toxic factor that caused them to be susceptible to malignant diseases."

An investigation by a commission set up to look into the consequences of NATO’s 1999 bombing of Serbia, presented on Tuesday, showed this.

The commission's president, Darko Laketic, told reporters at the Serbian National Assembly that this study focused only on children, because they are less exposed to other risk factors such as smoking.

"EU membership remains Serbia's foreign policy priority" (B92,

First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic spoke with on Monday with representatives of the European Council on Foreign Affairs (ECFR).

According to the Serbian government, they discussed "the current state of affairs in relations between Serbia and the European Union in the process of our country's Eurointegration and the future of the dialogue Belgrade and Pristina."

KFOR's exercise in Dragas; Serbian Tabloids: "Steel ring" in Kosovo (B92)

KFOR forces in Kosovo continued with the exercise cycle, and the media reported that the Pristina authorities activated the "Steel Ring" action.

KFOR forces are conducting an exercise in order to, as reported, be ready for quick operation throughout Kosovo, and to prevent any threats which may endanger that territory, reports portal B92.

Today's exercise is carried out in the south of Kosovo, where KFOR forces maintain the security of the environment.

Hale for Danas: The US will not provide a recipe for resolving the Kosovo issue (Danas, B92, Beta, Blic, KIM radio, Dnevnik)

US Under Secretary of State David Hale says that "there is a chance that a comprehensive solution will be achieved this year, but only if the dialogue is resumed first".

He also pointed out that this solution must contribute to long-term stability in the region.

Velika Hoca : Memorial to Serb victims desecrated (B92, RTS, Tanjug, TV Most, KIM radio)

A memorial raised to honor the Serbs kidnapped and murdered in the Orahovac municipality was desecrated. The cross installed on it was smashed.

Serbian public broadcaster RTS is reporting on Thursday that the incident happened in Velika Hoca.

As reported, a flagpole with the flag of the Republic of Serbia has also been removed from the site.

The case has been reported to the police, and the team was sent to the field.

Italian PM: Pristina should drop taxes and enable dialogue (B92, Tanjug)

Pristina should withdraw taxes (on goods from central Serbia) and enable dialogue with Belgrade to continue. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this in Belgrade on Wednesday.

Speaking at a joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Conte was asked by Tanjug how Italy looks at the Pristina's current policy, "which is not ready for any concessions, constructiveness towards Belgrade, or toward the international community," and replied: