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UEFA gives Serbia victory over Albania - but no points (B92)

BELGRADE -- UEFA's disciplinary commission has decided to award the canceled Serbia vs. Albania EURO 2016 qualifier to Serbia as a 3-0 victory.

 However, Serbia has at the same time been docked three points.

Serbian and Albanian football associations will have to pay EUR 100,000 each in fines, while the next two games Serbia's national team plays at home will be in empty stadiums.


Albanian PM wants Serbia "to recognize Kosovo" (B92,Politika,Akter,Blic)

TIRANA -- "The sooner Serbia formally recognizes that Kosovo will never again be its part, the better for Serbia and the region," says Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

In an interview for the AP, he added that he "firmly felt and believed" that "they have already recognized it without saying so."

Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo in early 2008 unilaterally declared independence, but Serbia rejected the proclamation as a violation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

DSS: Kosovo in IOC would be scandalous (B92)

Democratic Party of Serbia assessed that accession of Kosovo in the International Olympic Committee (IOC) would present another step in its abduction.

The DSS has criticized Serbian Government for its policy regarding Kosovo and Metohija and reiterated its standpoint that Government “by accepting the Brussels Agreement, practically accepted independence of the so called Republic of Kosovo”. The newest evidence is eventual accession of the illegal entity in the IOC, claims DSS.


Putin left Belgrade disappointed, says U.S. senator (B92/Tanjug)


TIRANA -- U.S. senator Chris Murphy says he left the Western Balkans with a clear intention to push for greater American involvement in a critical moment for the region.

Commenting on the visit last week to Serbia of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the senator said that he does not think it harmed relations between Serbia and the United States.


OSCE condemns hacker attacks on media websites (B92, Politika)

VIENNA -- OSCE Media Freedom Representative Dunja Mijatović has called on authorities in Albania, Bosnia and Serbia to investigate all hacker attacks on media websites.

The attacks "represent a clear danger to media freedom," a statement said on Tuesday.

“We have seen malicious denial of service attacks recently that obstruct the lawful activity of journalists. They must be investigated by law enforcement agencies of all countries,” Mijatović said.

Defense and Internal Affairs Committee condemns attacks (B92)

NOVI SAD -- A Serbian parliament committee met on Tuesday in Novi Sad and condemned the attacks on the property of members of national minorities.

The Committee on Defense and Internal Affairs also called on the government to firmly deal with the individuals who committed the attacks which constitute an incitement to ethnic hatred.

The Committee held a session to discuss the attacks on the property owned by Albanians and the Goranis which occurred on October 14 after the incident at the football match in Belgrade between the teams of Serbia and Albania.

Returnee's house burned in Klina (B92, Akter,Beta)

Unknown persons set fire to the house of Serbian returnee in village Drsnik in Klina municipality.

This was stated by the Commissioner of the Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia, Bozidar Sarkovic.

Sarkovic, who is also a councillor in the Municipality Assembly, told Beta agency that last night around 21.00 hours a house was set on fire. The owner was late Mladen Dabizljevic, whose wife Milosava (70) at the time of the incident was not in the house but in central Serbia.

Police conducted an investigation and the investigation is on-going.